Sociology: A Historical Overview

Authors and Their Contributions to Sociology

Auguste Comte (1798-1857)

Why Sociology?

Comte believed that sociology was the “mother of social science” and that it could be used to discover new laws to reorganize the world.


He advocated for integrating the study of man and society to produce knowledge based on scientific data.


Comte’s main contributions include the concept of positivism and the belief that science could be used to understand, predict, and control human behavior for the well-being

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Writing Effective Texts: A Guide to Drafting, Reviewing, and Correcting

The Writing Process: Drafting, Reviewing, and Correcting

Drafting or Textualization

Drafting, also known as textualization, involves three key operations:

  • Reference: Selecting words or expressions to represent concepts or aspects of reality.
  • Linearization: Arranging concepts, words, or sentences in a logical sequence.
  • Transcribing: Producing written prose on paper or a computer screen.

Paragraph Structure and Function

A paragraph is a group of sentences that develops a specific aspect of a topic. It serves

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Understanding “Civil Peace”: A Comprehensive Analysis

Understanding “Civil Peace”

Character Analysis: Jonathan Iwegbu

Jonathan’s Values

As depicted in the story, Jonathan Iwegbu’s most cherished value is his family.

Jonathan’s Actions and Motivations

Burying the Bicycle

Jonathan buries his bicycle out of fear that it will be confiscated by individuals posing as soldiers.

Reaction to His Intact House

Discovering his house undamaged fills Jonathan with a sense of immense relief, akin to winning a valuable prize.

Coping with Loss

Jonathan confronts his losses by

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Population Trends and International Security: Analyzing the Impact of Migration


The relationship between population trends and international security is complex, particularly in the context of migration. This essay will explore the factors that determine whether migration poses a threat to international security, focusing on the European Union’s response to migration and refugee issues since the 1990s.

Terrorism and Migration

One factor that can influence the security implications of migration is terrorism. Individuals with malicious intent may exploit migration flows,

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Media and Knowledge of the Social and Cultural: A Comprehensive Guide

Media and Knowledge of the Social and Cultural (Mass Media)


The role of various systems in shaping social, political, technological, economic, and cultural changes is widely recognized. These systems influence individual development across almost all areas.

The Media and Cultural Industry

There is a direct experience of impoverishment as technology replaces lived experiences. This is influenced by the market conditions within which the media and cultural industry operate, creating a cultural

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Discourse Analysis and Intercultural Communication

  • Scollon & Scollon, Discourse and Intercultural Communication

1. Discourse analysis as a polysemic term

On the one hand, it refers to the close linguistic study, from different perspectives, of texts in use. On the other hand, discourse refers to socially shared habits of thought, perception, and behavior reflected in numerous texts belonging to different genres. In the first sense, discourse analysis grows out of a heterogeneous group of disciplines

including linguistic analysis, French structuralism,

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