Banking & Finance Vocabulary: Essential Terms & Phrases

Banking and Money Vocabulary


  • Money: Dinero
  • Loose change: Cambio suelto
  • Coins: Monedas
  • Pennies: Céntimos
  • Notes: Billetes
  • Bank notes: Billetes de banco


  • Cheque: Cheque
  • Bank book: Libreta bancaria
  • Paying in book: Libro de ingresos
  • To deposit / making a deposit: Ingresar / Hacer un ingreso – pagar en su cuenta bancaria
  • To withdraw / making a withdrawal: Retirar / Hacer un retiro – sacar dinero de su cuenta bancaria
  • To debit: Cargar en cuenta – retirar dinero de una cuenta
  • To credit: Abonar – añadir
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Medical Ethics and Radiation Safety: A Comprehensive Guide

Medical Ethics

Amoral: A lack of or indifference to moral standards

Bioethics: Also called biomedical ethics; the moral dilemmas and issue of advanced medicine and medical research

Compassion: ability to have a gentle, caring attitude toward patients and fellow employees

Cost/benefit analysis: also called utilitariaism, an ethical approach in which the benefit of the decision should outweigh all costs

Empathy: the ability to understand the feelings of another person without actually experiencing the

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Essential English Vocabulary for Everyday Life


Common Food Items

Low fat (bajo en grasa), raw (crudo), tinned (conserva), hot/spicy (picante), fresh, frozen, bake (hornear), boil (hervir), fry (freir), grill, roast (asar), steam (al vapor vegetables), poach (escalfar).

aubergine (berenjena), lobster (langosta), squid (calamar), tuna (atún), courgette (calabacín), crab (cangrejo), mussels (mejillones), prawns (gamba), grapes (uvas), green beans (judías verdes), beetroot (remolacha), cabbage (repollo), duck (pato), cucumber (pepino), pork

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The Accidental Tourist: A Story of Grief and New Beginnings

Opens with Macon & Sarah Leary driving back home 2 Baltimore in the rain after a vacation @ the beach. When Macon refuses 2 stop the car, Sarah suddenly announces that she wants a divorce. She accuses Macon of being incapable of comforting her, especially after the tragic murder of their 12-year-old son, Ethan. Macon is surprised. The book then flashes forward 2 after the couple hs separated. Macon tries 2 adjust 2 the change, finding it strange 2 live in their family house all al1. In a somewhat

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guia ingles

1.What did Dally do when the police had finally caught him?

Dally raised a fake gun so the police would shoot him and then the police shoot him

2.What reason does Ponyboy think that Dally wanted to die?

He thinks that dally wanted to die because Johnny was dead and he couldn’t live without him

3.Why did Ponyboy not want other people to see his house?

Ponyboy was bothered by his school friends seeing his house because most of them came from “good homes, not filthy-rich like the Socs, but middle-class


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guia ingles

1.         What did Dally do when the police had finally caught him?

Dally raised a fake gun so the police would shoot him and then the police shoot him

2.         What reason does Ponyboy think that Dally wanted to die?

He thinks that dally wanted to die because Johnny was dead and he couldn’t live without him

3.         Why did Ponyboy not want other people to see his house?

Ponyboy was bothered by his school friends seeing his house because most of them came from “good

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