Literary Analysis: Gothic Themes, Lolita, and Postmodernism

The Monkey’s Paw, The Magi, The Open Window, Freaks, A Rose for Emily: We have been taught that everything logical must be true. This idea comes from the Era of Enlightenment, as they rejected God. Physics and math became a new light, a new direction to society. The problem is that math is an abstraction, math is in the human mind, therefore is only as real as God was. As once society was moved by mythology, then God came, and, in the same fashion, Darwin and mathematics came. We have always approached

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Mastering the TOEFL: Speaking and Writing Sections

TOEFL Speaking Section

  • Personal Choice: For this part, you have to state your opinion and provide two reasons (cases 1-3) or an advantage, a disadvantage, and your opinion (case 4).
  1. Paired Choice
  2. Multiple Choice
  3. Agree/Disagree
  4. Advantages/Disadvantages

Case 1-3

State your point:

  • I agree/disagree with the idea… (3)
  • While some may disagree, I believe that… (1, 2)

Transition to reasons: I feel this way for several reasons.

First reason: First, + example

Second reason: Second, + example

This is why I think so.

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Post-War Spanish Theater: Trends and Evolution

Status of Theater: This genre faces constraints, being both literature and performance. It has been subject to the interests of producers who, catering to public taste, often avoid financial risks on aesthetically or ideologically advanced works. Consequently, a distinction arises between commercial theater, focused on entertainment, and theater with broader concerns. Innovative authors often face challenges in gaining recognition.

The Theater of the Post-War Era

The end of the war, along with the

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Modernism and the Generation of ’98: A Literary Contrast


Modernism manifests itself as a vital attitude and an eagerness for rebellion, renewing every field of life and artistic movement. Aesthetically, modernism relates to the bohemian world and the rejection of social and moral standards. It involves dropping the taste for provocation and contempt of mediocrity and vulgarity. Modernist literature curdles, especially in the lyrical and poetic prose genres, which shows a new poetic language and intimate themes. Among the Romantic modernist writers,

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Narrative Strategies in Aramburu’s Stories: Trauma and Memory

The variety of narrative strategies parallels the variety of stories and characters brought into play. In the story’s title to the volume, the narrator goes to pick up her daughter from the hospital, where she has spent half a year, accompanied by her boyfriend. Various pieces of information take us back to an event just mentioned—a terrorist attack which caused the invalidity of the girl, transforming family life. The narrative builds up trivial facts—the care of the tank, cleaning the dishes—that
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Spanish Literature Movements: Romanticism to Post-War Novel

Romanticism: Key Features

  • Freedom: A break from established rules.
  • Subjectivism: Focus on the inner self.
  • Themes: Self-expression, rebelliousness, social and philosophical issues, legendary and historical topics.
  • Characters: Marginal figures, rebels, freedom-lovers, and passionate individuals marked by fate.
  • Nationalism: Deep love for one’s homeland.
  • Evocation of the Past: Preference for the Middle Ages and Renaissance, escape to exotic and wondrous lands.
  • Atmosphere: Mystery and solemnity, often at night,
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