Language Teaching Methods: A Comparative Analysis

Grammar Translation Method (16th Century) (Classical Method): This method emphasizes imitation and copying the teacher. Instruction is structured in the mother tongue, focusing on grammar rules and vocabulary. Students memorize grammar and practice reading and writing by translating sentences.

  • Pros: Develops general mental discipline (mechanical method). Easy to teach, requiring no high level of foreign language proficiency.
  • Cons: Speaking and listening are overlooked.

Direct Method (1900s) (Natural

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Communicative Competence in English Language Learning


My name is Paula Cantón Prieto. This document develops a unit focused on language as the primary means of human communication. Learning a foreign language is essential in a society that fosters international relationships at social, cultural, professional, and political levels. It promotes mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect for others’ cultural values, broadening one’s perspective. Spain’s integration into the European community creates new linguistic needs, establishing a

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Needs Analysis and Course Design in ESP

Unit 2: Needs Analysis

The goal of ESP courses is to teach the language and communication skills that specific groups of language learners need or will need to function effectively in their disciplines of study, professions, or workplaces.

ESP course design includes a stage in which the teachers identify what specific language and skills the group of learners will need.

The identification of language and skills is used in determining and refining the contents, objectives, approaches, and materials

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Developing Linguistic Skills & Communicative Competence in English

Unit 3: Development of Linguistic Skills

Communicative Competence in English

This essay examines the four fundamental language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It explores the spoken and written aspects of language acquisition, emphasizing the importance of integrating these skills to develop communicative competence in English. The essay concludes by summarizing key findings and listing the bibliographic resources used.

The legal framework for foreign language learning is established

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Impact on Language Education: Teacher Training & Methodology

Consequences for the Area of Education

We know how to teach, to share knowledge.

Developing Communicative Language Competence

  • Developing a standard for communicative language competence, including the production and reception of oral and written texts. (This means working on the four linguistic skills: reading, speaking, listening, and writing).
  • Implementing literature workshops to foster creative writing and reading habits.
  • Promoting learning through discovery and learning to learn.
  • Considering the actual
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Sociolinguistics and Applied Linguistics: Key Concepts


Sociolinguistics is the descriptive study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used, and the effects of language use on society. Sociolinguistics differs from the sociology of language in that the focus of sociolinguistics is the effect of the society on the language, while the sociology of language focuses on language’s effect on the society. It also studies how language varieties differ between

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