Understanding the Sacramental Economy in Christianity

The Dynamics of Sacramental Religions

Various religions strive to connect with a higher being called God. Since God is a mystery and unseen, these religions utilize signs, symbols, and sacraments in their rituals and teachings. These elements represent God’s attributes and serve as tools for interaction. This course focuses on Christianity and its unique approach to sacraments as intermediaries to God.

The Dynamics of Sacramental Christianity: The Christian Sacramental Economy

The term “economy” in

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The Struggle for Authority in Medieval and Renaissance Europe

This essay examines the development of a hierarchical world view and the struggle for authority in Europe. It explores how periodical imbalances impacted churches, society, and individuals, using historical and literary examples from writers like Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Erasmus. The essay also analyzes feudalism’s impact and its connection to the poem The Song of Roland, along with historical periods like the rise of towns, the decline of the medieval world and churches, and the Renaissance.

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A Journey Through History: From Early Middle Ages to the Reformation

Characteristics of the Early Middle Ages

  • No centralized government
  • No education
  • No literacy
  • Ends up with those who fight, farm, pray
  • Feudalism
  • Manorialism

Changes of the High Middle Ages

  • Techniques in farming (horses, new plants)
  • Trading got reestablished
  • Merchants decided to stay at lord’s land and pay them monthly fee & form towns
  • Universities

Late Middle Ages

  • 100 year war: France & England, everything falls apart
  • Magna Carta – Document John had to sign:
    1. Keep out of the church
    2. Should be a council of kings
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Ignatius of Loyola and the Spiritual Exercises: A Journey of Conversion and Service

St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Spiritual Exercises

Conversion and Inspiration

In his autobiography, Ignatius resolved to imitate the saints. This conversion was sparked by a life-changing experience during his recovery from a battle injury. While bedridden, he read the life of Christ and the lives of the saints of Castilian. Through these readings, he recognized the difference between the spirits that were stirring within him, one from the devil and the other from God. This led him to reflect on his

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Living Out the Commandments: A Guide to Christian Morality

Living Out the Seventh Commandment

Name the Seventh Commandment

You shall not steal

Define stealing and how does it relate to justice?

Deliberately taking others’ things that are rightfully theirs

Name ways that the Seventh Commandment gives people the things that are rightfully theirs.

Universal Destination of Created Goods

Not only does the Seventh Commandment command us not to steal, it also refers to what sins?

(Stealing money like lowering wages and price gouging)

We live out the Eighth Commandment.

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The Early Church: Growth, Persecution, and Legacy

The Church’s Ministry Begins and Grows

As Peter and the other disciples gathered together in Jerusalem in 30 AD, they experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. The disciples were inspired to preach the Gospel, perform miracles, and spread the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Peter addressed the people of Jerusalem, saying, “Let the whole house of Israel know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus whom you crucified.” Peter told them to repent

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