Theological and Cardinal Virtues: Understanding Conscience and Marriage

Theological Virtues

Virtues are dispositions that help us to pray well, according to right reason.

  • Faith: The light that guides us on the path to Heaven by believing in God and all He has revealed and proposes to His Church.
  • Hope: The virtue by which we hope to achieve salvation and be eternally happy in Heaven.
  • Charity: The virtue by which we love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves for love of God.

Cardinal Virtues

  • Prudence: Consists of thinking and acting with caution to avoid damage.
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Human Dignity and Social Doctrine: A Christian Perspective

The Inherent Dignity of the Human Person

Human dignity is rooted in the belief that each individual is created in the image and likeness of God and is destined for a supernatural end that transcends earthly life. As intelligent and free beings, possessing inherent rights and duties, humans are at the heart of the Church’s social doctrine.

The Church has consistently denounced all forms of slavery, exploitation, and manipulation, not only in the political and economic spheres but also in the ideological

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Martin Luther, Council of Trent, Baroque Art, Missions, and the Enlightenment

Martin Luther

Born in 1483 in Eisleben, in the German region of Saxony. At that time, funds were being raised for the construction of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Luther rebelled against the sale of indulgences, advocating that salvation is a gift from God attained through faith, not by payment. In 1517, he published his 95 theses, arguing the uselessness of indulgences, and proposed them for debate at the University of Wittenberg. Despite popular support, Church authorities condemned him in Rome

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Understanding the Core Beliefs of Christianity

The Core Beliefs of Christianity

1. Christianity is a Revealed Religion

Christianity is a revealed religion, meaning that God reveals Himself to humanity without being sought out. Revelation is the manifestation of God. Through signs and words, He reveals truths that humans could not otherwise know or could only know with difficulty. Christianity has its origins in the divine initiative. God chose Abraham and Moses. None of the prophets sought God. Jesus Christ is the center of human history. His

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Jewish Religious Order and Civil Order in Israel and Spain

ITEM 16 The Hebrew religious order is closely related to the civil order that rules the country, only in monistic Jewish Israel. Different jurisdictions, European civilians and elsewhere, give some recognition to the way marriage is made in accordance with Jewish religious norms, and Spain is one of these countries.

Fundamentals of the Jewish Religious Order

Some basic notions about the Jewish religion and law:

The Jewish religion is monotheistic; that is, it believes in the existence of one God. Unlike

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Religious Psychopedagogy: 10 Reasons for Teaching Look-Vision

10 Reasons for Teaching Look-Vision in Religious Psychopedagogy

This document outlines ten reasons for teaching “look-vision” within the framework of religious psychopedagogy, supported by verifiable physics and human cultural creation. It delves into the pedagogical approaches to fostering critical thinking, spirituality, autonomy, and understanding of diversity, ultimately leading to hope and a deeper understanding of human nature.

1. Transcendent to the Human: Offering a Horizon of Meaning


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