Quartz Power Group Customer Survey Findings
Patricia Reyes, a market researcher, recently completed a customer survey for Quartz Power Group and is presenting her findings to the Managing Director and the heads of department.
“My name is Patricia Reyes, and I represent the company Online Researcher. Some of you may have met my boss, Duncan Brockway, who was here to present our services and discuss the options of online market research. But for those of you who don’t know about the background to this project, I’d just like to say a few words
Read MoreSports Vocabulary & Irregular Verbs: Enhance Your English
Sports Vocabulary & Irregular Verbs
Sports Venues
Tennis court – Boxing ring – Rugby field – Cycling track – Golf course – Ice-skating rink – Basketball/volleyball court – Archery, athletics, canoeing…
Sports Actions & People
Actions: Bounce – Catch – Hit – Kick – Pass – Throw
People: Athlete – Coach – Fan – Opponent – Referee – Spectator – Team-mate
Common Irregular Verbs
Infinitive – Past Simple – Past Participle
Be, was/were, been | beat, beat, beaten | become, became, become |
begin, began, begun | bite, |
English Irregular Verbs: Conjugations and Meanings
Mastering Irregular Verbs in English
Understanding Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs in English do not follow the standard conjugation patterns. This list provides the infinitive, past simple, past participle, and Spanish translation for common irregular verbs.
Common Irregular Verbs
- Bring, Brought, Brought – Traer
- Lend, Lent, Lent – Prestar
- Forget, Forgot, Forgotten – Olvidar
- Lie, Lay, Lain – Echarse
- Tread, Trod, Trodden – Pisar
- Lose, Lost, Lost – Perder
- Rise, Rose, Risen – Levantarse
- Run, Ran, Run – Correr
- Leap,
English Irregular Verbs: A Comprehensive List
Mastering Irregular Verbs in English
Understanding Irregular Verbs
Unlike regular verbs that follow a predictable pattern by adding -ed or -d to form the past tense and past participle, irregular verbs have unique forms that must be memorized. This document provides a comprehensive list of common irregular verbs in English.
List of Common Irregular Verbs
- Abide-Abode: Habitar
- Arise-Arose-Arisen: Levantarse
- Awake-Awoke-Awoken: Levantarse
- Behold-Beheld: Contemplar
- Bend-Bent: Doblar
- Bereave-Bereft: Arrebatar
- Bind-
Mobile Phones: Impact on Modern Life and Society
- Mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Everybody has one or more mobiles. They play an important role in our lives. Young people usually feel they cannot live without their mobile.
- On the one hand, mobile phones are very helpful in many everyday life situations. You can find people easily, you save a lot of time and money. It is very useful at work, particularly in some jobs and businesses. It is essential for big companies. Another advantage is that parents know where their children