Vocabulary for Everyday Life: School, Relationships, Health, and More
Vocabulary for Everyday Life
School Life
- Primary School
- Comprehensive School
- Grammar School
- Entrance Exam
- Uniform
- Class
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- First Year
- Break-Time
- Subjects
- Learn
- Homework
- Work Hard
- Do Our Best
- Schoolwork
- Top-Student
- Do Well
- Missing Classes
- Attend
- Revision
- Term
- Retake
- Independent College
Love Relationships
- Boyfriend
- Kiss
- Assess
- Wimp
- Jealous
- Romances
- Perfect Couple
- Infatuation
- Embrace
- Date
- Hold Hands
- Argue
- Shout
- Take Sides
- Divorce
- Marriage
- Affair
- Meet
- Fall in Love
- Fall out of Love
- Best Friend
- Gang
- Party
- Meet
- Go Out
- Worry
- Help
- Conversation
- Talk
- Go
The Impact of Social Networking and Cell Phones on Relationships
The Impact of Social Networking and Cell Phones
Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook all come to mind when someone says “social networking.” Nowadays, visiting these sites is a part of our daily routine. Sure, it’s a good way to keep in contact with your friends and family, but can it be too much of a good thing? In my opinion, social networking sites are beneficial if used in certain ways, but can also be harmful if used incorrectly.
Benefits of Social Networking
First of all, these sites make it
Read MoreConstruction Vocabulary: Terms and Definitions
Materiales: Acero corrugado: Rebar (n). Albañilería: Masonry(n). Bauxita: Bauxite (n). Bloque de hormigón: CMU. Bloques de hormigón ligero: Blocks of cinder concrete (n). Calentar: To heat (v). Caliza/Cal: Limestone (n). Cenizas volantes: Fly ash (n). Clinker (n): clinker. Compuestos: Compounds(n). Crudo: Raw(adj). Enlechar: To grout(v). Escoria: Slag(n). Etapas: Stages(n). Horno de cemento: Cement kiln (n). Hueco: Void (n). Mena de hierro: Iron ore (n). Mezcla: Mixture(n). Mortero: Mortar(n)
Read MoreColosseum, La Mafia Restaurant, and Job Letters
The Roman Colosseum: A Timeless Monument
I am going to talk about the Roman Colosseum. It’s located in Rome, Italy, and it is probably Rome’s most famous prehistoric site. Built in 70 AD, the Colosseum became the largest Roman amphitheater, with an elliptical structure 188 meters long, 156 meters wide, and 57 meters high. Made of brick and covered with travertine, it was divided into five levels with a capacity for more than 50,000 people. In addition to gladiator fights, many other public spectacles
Understanding Key Networking Terms and Concepts
Backed Up: ‘To back something up’ means to copy and save/store on a different machine all the data, files, settings, and applications of a computer or server. In most companies, it is common to ‘back up’ all the data on servers every day. This is done to ensure that no data (or little) is lost if there is a problem or failure of a server. Most of this data is stored/saved on servers that are dedicated to doing ‘backups’ and are called ‘backup servers’. ‘To back up’ is a transitive phrasal verb (
Read MoreEffective Negotiation Strategies and Cross-Cultural Communication
Supplier Selection: Key Factors for Success
Selection of suppliers:
- Suppliers can determine success or failure.
- What are we looking for in suppliers?
- Quality
- Price
- Security of provision
- How can we select suppliers?
- Workers of our own company
- Suppliers who work for the competition
- Specialized publications
- Internet
- Information from public institutions
- Fairs and specialized exhibitions
- Chambers of Commerce, associations, etc.
Selection criteria:
- Price and quality
- Payment conditions
- Delivery terms
- Reputation
- Guarantee