Medical Spanish: Commands, Body Parts, Systems
Essential Medical Spanish Phrases and Vocabulary
Common Commands for Healthcare Professionals
Here’s a list of essential commands in Spanish, commonly used in medical settings, along with their English translations:
- Túmbese en la camilla: Lie on the stretcher.
- Levante los pies: Raise your feet.
- Enséñeme la herida: Show me the injury.
- No mueva la cabeza: Don’t move your head.
- Inspire y espire: Breathe in and breathe out.
- Gire la cabeza a la izquierda: Turn your head to the left side.
- No se levante: Don’
Body Parts, Illnesses, and Medications
Body Parts in English and Spanish
- Stomach: estómago
- Neck/Throat: cuello/garganta
- Back: espalda
- Shoulders: hombros
- Fingers: dedos
- Hand: mano
- Elbow: codo
- Hair/Head: cabello/cabeza
- Tongue: lengua
- Ears: orejas/oídos
- Arm: brazo
- Wrist: muñeca
- Chest: pecho
- Lips/Mouth: labios/boca
- Chin: mentón
- Nose: nariz
- Knee/Leg: rodilla/pierna
- Foot/Feet: pie/pies
- Ankle: tobillo
- Toes: dedos de los pies
Common Illnesses
- A toothache: dolor de muela
- A headache: dolor de cabeza
- A stomachache: dolor de estómago
- A fever: fiebre
- A backache: dolor
Present Perfect, Relative Clauses, and Medical Imaging Terms
Present Perfect Tense: Usage and Examples
The present perfect tense is used for:
- Something that started in the past and continues in the present
- When we are talking about our experience up to the present
- Something that happened in the past but is important at the time of speaking
- When the speaker wants to emphasize the result
- Talking about something that happened recently
Key Words with Present Perfect
- Since: Used with dates, times, and past events (e.g., “since 1995,” “since 2 o’clock,” “since I was a