The Early Modern Age: Economic, Social, Cultural, and Political Transformations

The Early Modern Age: 1453–1789

Economic Transformations

  • Increased agricultural production: tree-field system
  • Expansion of craftsmanship: products made in workshops, controlled by guilds
  • Intensified commercial activity: surplus production sold in city markets; merchants traveled in search of new markets, establishing trade routes
  • Development of mercantile capitalism: capital (money, raw materials, tools, workshops) owned by private individuals, primarily members of the bourgeoisie; economic growth
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Introduction to Thermodynamics and Energy Transformations


Investigations of energy conversion processes in macroscopic systems as well as properties of matter that takes part in these processes. Thermodynamics is broadly interpreted to include all aspects of energy transformations, including power generation, refrigeration, and relationships among the properties of matter.

Two General Kinds of Thermodynamics

– Phenomenological (Technical) Thermodynamics, which uses the concepts related to measurements made by any macroscopic or mesoscopic scale.

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Numerical Simulation of Spring-Mass Systems

) A Power Line Pole with a Transformer

) Calculate the Response Spectrum

) Derive Equation (3.89) from (3.86)

) Estimate the System’s Parameters

) Plot the Inertance Transfer Function

) Plot the Mobility Transfer Function

) Calculate the Compliance Transfer Function

) Calculate the Frequency Response Function

) Plot the Magnitude of the Frequency Response Function

) Determine Parameters from Compliance Magnitude Plot

) Show Bounded-Input, Bounded-Output Stability

) Show Stability

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Understanding Magnetic Circuits and Fields

Magnetomotive Force


7TVxAAAASklEQVQYV2NgoAjwM4IBEw+DCDcbgxAr  = magnetomotive force (mmf) in (A-t)

N = number of turns in coil (t)

I = current in coil (A)

Magnetic Field Intensity


H = magnetic field intensity

7TVxAAAASklEQVQYV2NgoAjwM4IBEw+DCDcbgxAr  = mmf (A-t)

N = number of turns in coil (t)

I = current in coil (A)

7TVxAAAAQklEQVQYV2NgIBXwMzLxgPQIMPPxcoIY  = mean length of magnetic circuit, or section (m)

Flux Density


B = flux density (Wb/m2) or (T)

7TVxAAAASklEQVQYV2NgoAbgYWRkQ5jDzQJj8zGC  = magnetic flux (Wb)

A = cross-sectional area (m2)

Magnetic Circuit Equation


7TVxAAAASklEQVQYV2NgoAbgYWRkQ5jDzQJj8zGC  = magnetic flux (Wb)

7TVxAAAASklEQVQYV2NgoAjwM4IBEw+DCDcbgxAr  = magnetomotive force (mmf) in (A-t)

cWPEDKvek58UAAAAASUVORK5CYII=  = reluctance of magnetic circuit

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Energy Conversion and Conservation: Laws, Examples, and Calculations

Energy conversion and conservation

Energy Conversion Energy can be converted from one form to another. The process of changing energy from one form to another is energy conversion. Energy conversions are constantly taking place all around you, often without you noticing. Light bulbs convert electrical energy into thermal energy and electromagnetic energy. In some cases, energy is converted from one form into another in a series of steps. Friction between the match and the matchbox converts some of

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Understanding Sound, Magnetism, and Light: A Comprehensive Overview


1. Electromagnetic wave (light) vs. mechanical (sound)

Light does not require a medium, while sound does.

2. Types of Waves

Longitudinal, Transverse, Surface

3. Factors Affecting Sound Travel

Density, temperature, and particle quantity

4. How Sound is Processed by the Ear

Function of the outer ear, ear drum, and cochlea

5. Effects of Air Temperature on Sound Travel

Hotter air=faster sound travel, colder air=slower sound travel

6. Relationship Between Frequency and Wavelength

Inverse relationship

7. Loudness

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