Employment and Economic Benefits for People with Disabilities

Work Integration for People with Disabilities

Represents a major step in the socio-economic participation of people with disabilities. Measures have been promoted to foster employment in this sector, with support both within the normal channels and through forms of sheltered employment for people with serious or permanent disabilities.

Regular Employment Measures

Specific jobs and actions are in place to encourage the hiring of people with disabilities. Regarding the reservation of jobs:

  • Firms with
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Strategic Workforce Planning: Adapting to Fluctuations

Balancing Costs and Time in Workforce Planning

When there is a moderate and transient shortage of people, overtime pay can be less expensive than hiring new staff.

Managing Overwork

  • Reducing wages (when you reach an agreement with the company to lower wages)
  • Reducing working hours
  • Job sharing (two people working half-days each)
  • Early retirement (giving good bonuses to encourage it)
  • Untying the initiative of the contributor
  • Restricted recruitment
  • Untying the company’s initiative

Decisions to Make About Excess

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Understanding Leasing: Types, Contracts, and Operations

Leasing: Significa lease, or arriendo. It’s a contract between a lessor and a lessee whereby the lessor, completing its agreement with the lessee, in his own name, acquires certain assets, movable or immovable, that will be leased for an agreed total price, distributed in installments, fixed or variable, over a period of time, after which, for a fixed residual value, the asset is capable of being acquired by the lessee, be returned, or be leased back.

In a leasing operation, the following parties

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Operations Management: Key Concepts and Definitions

Key Concepts in Operations Management

Support Process: Provides vital resources and inputs to the core processes.

Core Process: A set of activities that deliver value to external customers.

Operations: Systems or processes that transform resources into goods and services.

Management: Systematic design, direction, and control of systems or processes that produce goods or services.

Operations Management: The systematic design, direction, and control of processes that transform inputs into services and

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Economic Problems: Solutions and Systems

Economic Problems: divided into 3 problems: to produce (1) and (2) and for whom (3). 1-we’re going to produce the resources it needs disponemos.Depende members society. 2 – Who’s going to take to carry out productive activity and amount of product FNAL-obtener. 3 will seek the benefit of those who will buy it. Ways to cope with economic problems: Tradition (1) authority (2) market (3) 1-pass your father your work, drawbacks come before the custom, whether operational or not, rationality and effectiveness,

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Financial Products and Services for Businesses

C. Bank Account Credit – An account credit is a contract whereby a bank offers an individual or company, the borrower, an amount of money that need not exceed a pre-established limit. The borrower can withdraw or deposit funds as if it were a bank account. They are also paid by the party interested in ready money and money from the unwilling. D. Confirming – The confirming guarantees the provider and business providers receiving funds, sometimes even before the due date. Confirming is a service

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