Holy Innocents: Character Analysis & Narrative Structure

Content and Structure in *The Holy Innocents*

Miguel Delibes’ *The Holy Innocents* is divided into six sections, referred to as “books.” Each book functions as a chapter in the narrative, focusing on a specific aspect of the represented reality while maintaining a degree of autonomy. The titles of these books are: *Book One: Azarías*, *Book Two: Paco, the Lower*, *Book Three: The Milana*, *Book Four: The Lord*, *Book Five: The Accident*, and *Book Six: The Crime*.

The story has been described as

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Miquel Martí i Pol’s Creation: A Reflection on Factory Life

Miquel Martí i Pol, Creation

In Creation, each of the seven stanzas of blank verse decasyllables shows a parallel with the seven days of creation in the world that the Bible describes. The poem was used to represent the creation of “a new worker” in the factory. The fragment analyzed contains only three of the seven stanzas.

In the first verse, the author tells us about the protagonist’s first day in the factory. He is stunned by the threshing machine, which prevents communication, making him feel

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Magazine and Book Structure: Key Elements

Magazine Structure

A magazine is a periodical (weekly, biweekly, or monthly) with fixed sections and unique or different textual content, expressed through articles. A magazine has a structure divided into:

External Structure

  • Logo: The name or icon that distinguishes the product, company, or publication.
  • Motto: The statement that distinguishes and identifies the publication, product, or company. It is located under the logo.
  • Date: Indicates the day, month, year, and place of publication.
  • Summary: It’s
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Avant-Garde Movements: Futurism, Expressionism, Cubism, Dadaism, Surrealism


Vanguards do not want any kind of recognition and seek marginality. New ways of understanding culture and aesthetics:

  • Philosophies arise that reject the existence of God and affirm the sovereign dimension of man.
  • Spiritual crisis, the movements are born breakthrough.
  • Avant-garde movements are born since 1905 (new aesthetics that express novel ideas or realities).
  • Desire for originality (to show the reader something amazing).


  • Breaking with the above and the desire for originality.
  • Enactment
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Narrative and Argumentative Texts: Structure and Elements

Narrative Texts

A narrative is the relation of real or imagined events that happen to characters in a certain place and time. Every narrative has a story and a plot.

  • Story: The series of events that have occurred in reality or in the fiction we imagine.
  • Plot: The expression of these facts, the form we give to the story.

Elements of a Narrative

  • The Author: The real writer who writes the story. In literary narratives, the author is expressed through the narrator. Depending on the narrator’s point of view,
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Database Concepts and SQL Fundamentals

Database Concepts: True or False Statements

  • Primary Key Indexing: True. There is no need to index the primary key as it is automatically indexed.
  • Unique Constraint Names: True. All constraints within a schema must be given unique names.
  • Weak Entity Type Definition: True. A weak entity type is an entity type that is existence-dependent on some other entity type.
  • One-to-Many and Many-to-One Relationships: False. One-to-many and many-to-one relationship types in the reduction process can be represented
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