Vocabulary Units 1-3: Definitions and Synonyms

1. to discover→To find out

3. to set free, to liberate→to release

4. to rise, to make or become larger→to increase

5. (feel) happy→in a good mood

6. to rely on →to depend on

7. the ability to continue living→survival

8. in a successful manner→successfully

9. the fastest land animal on earth→ cheetah

10. to get to, arrive at→to reach

11. to get by, to control or be in charge of something→to manage

12. (have) an advantage over→(to have) an edge over

14. wide→broad

15. perspiration→sweat

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Seamus Heaney’s Poem ‘North’ and the Irish Identity


This poem was written by Seamus Heaney, who was an Irish poet, playwright, and translator. It belongs to a collection of 43 poems, in which he deals with the troubles in Northern Ireland, looking frequently to the past for images and symbols relevant to the violence and political unrest of the time. It is also a reflection on Irish identity in 1975. What is to be Irish and what is to be an Irish poet among the pressing forces of three powerful northern strains: the North as a general emblem

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Romantic Poets: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, and Their Works

Coleridge, Blake and Wordsworth

The Romantic period gives value to men’s individual consciousness, it was directly related to the expression of feelings, and states of mind.

Poetry itself became increasingly associated with a yearning for another time and place; The idea of the poet was changing from that of a maker to that of an introspective, brooding confessor.

The materials of poetry were becoming rather the inner life and private vision of the poet than public, social affairs, with an often-

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Emily Dickinson’s Conventions and Poems: A Study

Emily Dickinson Conventions

  • Quatrains

    4 line stanzas that echo the simple rhymes of church hymns

  • Slant Rhymes

    Words that do not exactly rhyme

  • Inventive punctuation and sentence structure

    Highlight important words and to break up the rhythm of her poems

  • Unconventional figurative language

    Similes, metaphors, and personification

  • Irregular capitalization and inverted syntax

    Emphasize important words

a mixture of iambic tetrameter and trimeter. Her rhyming also followed, for the most part, that of the ballad stanza

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Literary Devices and Themes in The Great Gatsby and Other Works

American Dream

– The widespread belief that the United States is a land of opportunity and that individual initiative and hard work can bring economic success

– Example: The Great Gatsby


– Repetition of initial sounds

– Example: ‘With a faint, chill crimson in her cheeks’


– An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference

– Example: Carraway alludes to Midas and Morgan through the books he bought in the opening scene

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Extreme Vacation Activities: Thrill, Adventure, and Excitement


1-to go on vacation()to go on holiday()ir de vacaciones



4.to dive()to jump into water()bucear profundo

5.skydiving()Jumping from a plane()paracaidismo

6.scuba diving()deep-sea swimming()buceo

7.to look for()to seek/sought/sought()

8.to come with the territory()be a normal and accepted…

9.cave()Large hole in the ground()cueva

10.injury()harm or damage()dolor

11.location()a place or position()ubicación

12.narrow()not wide()estrecho

13.to reach(

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