The History and Literature of Early Britain: From Celts to Anglo-Saxons

The Arrival of the Celts

The Celts began to arrive in Britain from northwestern Germany during the late Iron Age, around 700 BC. These tribes of warriors shared a similar language, religion, and culture. Rather than invading, they gradually settled in the country between 500 and 100 BC.

Celtic Life and Culture

The Celts were skilled craftsmen, working as metalworkers, hunters, and fishermen. The use of iron, particularly for weapons, significantly impacted trade and fostered local independence due

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Environmental Movements and Conservation Efforts in India

Environmental and ecological movements are among the important examples of the collective actions of several social groups. Protection and recognition of constitutional and democratic rights, which are not defined by law but form an important part of the day to day living of the subaltern masses like the control over their resources, the right of indigenous people to preserve their culture, protection of environment, and maintenance of ecological balance are significant concerns of these movements

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A Historical Perspective on Economic Growth and Development

Dominant Growth Theory

In order to grow, economies must try to make possible the following ideas:

  • Increase capital stock of manufacturing: Capital stock refers to the equipment and other assets that help to produce a service or product.
  • Increase the educational skills and education of the workforce: People with access to education have more opportunities.
  • Increase exports: Exporting products expands the client base and creates a wider market.
  • Create strong and credible institutions, free of corruption:
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World Population: Growth, Structure, and Challenges

World Population

Indicators of Population Growth

  • Birth and fertility rates
    • Birth rate: Number of births per 1,000 people
    • Total fertility rate (TFR): Average number of children a woman has during her lifetime
  • Death rate
    • Crude death rate (CDR): Number of deaths per 1,000 people
    • Life expectancy: Average number of years a person is expected to live
  • Rate of natural increase (RNI): Difference between birth and death rates

Population Density

Population density is the ratio of the number of people to the size of

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Understanding the Global Economy: Sectors, Globalization, and Economic Integration

1. The Economy

People have needs, and it is necessary to produce goods and provide services to satisfy them:

  • Products and goods are objects. They can be:

    1. Consumer goods, which are consumed right away.

    2. Intermediate goods, which are used to produce other goods.

  • Services are activities carried out by people.

Economic activity is to produce, buy, or sell a product or service. Economics is the study of the production and distribution of goods and services to satisfy human needs.

1.2 Who Carries Out Economic

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A Journey Through Indian History: From Ancient Civilizations to Mughal Rule

The Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), flourishing from around 3300 to 1300 BCE, was one of the world’s earliest urban civilizations, alongside Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. It was located in what is now Pakistan and northwest India, along the Indus River and its tributaries. The IVC is renowned for its advanced city planning, architecture, and social organization.

Key urban centers like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro featured well-laid-out streets in grid patterns, sophisticated

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