A Comparative Study of Spanish Literature: From Golden Age to Baroque


I like folk poetry and ballads and worship songs and sonnets and 3 great poems: the solitude, The Fable of Polyphemus and Galatea and the Duke of Lerma PenegĂ­rico. The style is based on stylistic Prodeco concentration. Despite allegations of darkness, these forms were extended and built culteranismo. The Fable of Polyphemus and Galatea is a mythological poem consisting of 63 octaves. Shocked contemporaries because of its numerous innovations, like the mythological allusions and convoluted
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Enhancing Student Communication Skills: A Comprehensive Guide to Integrating Communicative Dynamics in the Classroom

Developing Language & Communication (L&C) at this stage of the term, it’s important to establish the utility of its content in the classroom. For this reason, the purpose of this section within the paper is to analyze how the information offered in the previous pages can help us develop students’ SCs & provide them with a competence profile that helps them overcome the existing 21st-century challenges. In other words, it serves as a way of associating theoretical knowledge to developed

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The Renewal of Galician Prose (1936-1976): From Social Realism to Mythical Worlds

Eduardo Blanco Amor

Eduardo Blanco Amor began his literary and journalistic career in his hometown, where he attended high school and connected with intellectuals. Years later, he emigrated to Argentina and became deeply involved in cultural activities. Although he returned to Spain several times as a news correspondent, the Spanish Civil War, beginning in 1936, forced him into exile in America.

Narrative Production

  • The Esmorga (1959) – Novel
  • The Moon (1962) – Novel
  • Far Celebrities (1972) – Reports


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Trajan’s Column: A Triumph of Roman Art and Architecture

The Theater of Marcellus

The Theater of Marcellus, a partially preserved theater in ancient Rome, stands as a testament to Roman architectural prowess. Commissioned by Julius Caesar and completed by Augustus between 13-11 BC, it was dedicated to Augustus’ nephew, Marcus Claudius Marcellus, who tragically died in 23 BC. Located in the Campus Martius, the theater hosted the renowned ludi saeculares in 17 BC, even before its completion.

With a cavea (seating area) measuring 129.80 meters in diameter,

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Monuments of Ancient Rome

Ara Pacis

The Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace) was built on the Champ de Mars between 13 and 9 BC. It is a sacrificial altar dedicated to the Goddess of Peace. Rebuilt in the twentieth century, it commemorates the victories of Emperor Augustus in Hispania and Gaul, which mark the beginning of the Pax Romana, a period of peace as never before known in the city.

The Ara Pacis is composed of a fence that encloses the true and proper altar. The altar is built of marble from Carrara. The wall measures 11×10

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Accounting Cheat Sheet



  • Adjustments required for what the bank knows but what we DO NOT know
  • When the bank reconciliation says ADD:
    Dr Cash
    Cr account corresponding with the entry on the bank reconciliation
  • When the bank reconciliation says LESS:
    Dr account corresponding with the entry on the bank reconciliation
    Cr Cash
  • NSF: Non-Sufficient Funds
    • Anything mentioned about NSF (the fee related to an NSF cheque or the amount that was returned):
      Dr Accounts Receivable
      Cr Cash
  • Calculating Interest on
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