Understanding Interprocess Communication, Sockets, and XML-RPC

Interprocess Communication Characteristics

Interprocess communication (IPC) involves message passing between processes, supported by send and receive operations, defined by destinations and messages. Processes communicate by sending messages (byte sequences) to a destination, where another process receives them.


In synchronous communication, sending and receiving processes synchronize at each message exchange. Both send and receive are blocking operations.

In asynchronous communication,

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Interprocess Communication: Methods and Protocols

Interprocess Communication Essentials

Interprocess communication involves sending a message between a socket in one process and a socket in another.

Communication Forms

  • In synchronous communication, sending and receiving processes synchronize with each message.
  • In asynchronous communication, the send operation is non-blocking, and the receive operation can have varied behavior.

Message Destination

Internet protocols send messages to (Internet address, local port) pairs. Processes can use multiple ports

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