Twelfth Night: A Summary of Shakespeare’s Comedy
Plot of Twelfth Night
In the kingdom of Illyria, Orsino (a nobleman) falls in love with Lady Olivia. He cannot have her because she is in mourning for her dead brother and refuses marriage.
Meanwhile, a storm causes a terrible shipwreck. A young woman of aristocratic birth, called Viola, finds herself alone on the Illyrian coast. She assumes that her brother Sebastian died in the wreck. Considering her options, a friendly sea captain tells her about Orsino’s courtship of Olivia, and Viola decides
Read MoreTwelfth Night: A Tale of Love and Disguise in Illyria
Twelfth Night
Overview of the Story
In the kingdom of Illyria, a nobleman named Orsino lies around listening to music, pining away for the love of Lady Olivia. He cannot have her because she is in mourning for her dead brother and refuses to entertain any proposals of marriage. Meanwhile, off the coast, a storm has caused a terrible shipwreck. A young, aristocratic-born woman named Viola is swept onto the Illyrian shore. Finding herself alone in a strange land, she assumes that her twin brother, Sebastian,
Liberal Intergovernmentalism in the European Union
Liberal Intergovernmentalism
The EU from a Liberal Intergovernmentalism Perspective
Insists that states are still in full control of the integration process
Two levels of analysis:
Domestic preference formation
EU intergovernmental bargaining
Blends classical intergovernmentalism with a pinch of neo-functionalism
Now a widely (but not universally) accepted account of what’s going on
There is no body superior to the state:
“Integration” and “supranationalism” way too suggestive
His definition of
Neo-Functionalism and European Integration
Shift of loyalties, expectations, and political activities towards a new center that demands jurisdiction. End result: a new political community, meaning that decisions are legally binding and loyalties have been transferred to the “supranational” level of government.
Nations seek to make joint decisions or to delegate the decision-making process to new central organs. Political actors are persuaded to shift their expectations and political activities to a new center.
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How Do Parents Speak to Children?
- They use exaggerated intonation with higher pitch than is customary.
- They simplify what they say, using shorter sentences and fewer subordinate clauses.
- They choose special vocabulary that children can understand, rather than more sophisticated lexical items that they would not.
- They tend to include the children in the conversation.
- Even before children can themselves speak, parents act as if they were taking part in the conversation, as when a mother says…
Up to What
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The Crusades
Discrimination Against Pilgrims
The Turks discriminated against pilgrims.
The Importance of Hats
A hat gives a man a new personality.
Accept both young and adult students.
Many adults try to improve their lives by studying.
Communication in Nature
Trees develop a certain system of communication.
Tecumseh’s Resistance
Tecumseh succeeded in stopping white invasion of his bands.
a) He defended his people’s rights.
Titian’s Erotic Art
Titian is one of the precursors of erotic
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