A Comprehensive Guide to Research Methodologies and Sampling Techniques

Casual Research

Also known as causal research, this method explores cause-and-effect relationships between variables. Unlike descriptive or exploratory research, which primarily aims to describe or understand phenomena, causal research seeks to determine the extent to which changes in one variable (independent variable) cause changes in another variable (dependent variable) while controlling for other factors. This type of research often involves experimental designs, where researchers manipulate

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Types of Questions and Scales in Market Research

Structure and Types of Questions

According to the Degree of Freedom of Response

  • Open Questions: Allow respondents to express their opinions freely.
  • Semi-Closed Questions: Include an option for respondents to express themselves freely.
  • Closed Questions: Multiple choice questions where respondents choose from given answers.

According to the Degree of Premeditation of the Response

  • Spontaneous
  • Suggested

According to the Type/Degree of Information Obtained

  • Introductory Questions: Aim to establish rapport and
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Comprehensive Guide to Market Research Techniques and Methodologies

Topic 1: Introduction to Market Research

True or False Questions

  1. Documentary studies are the most commonly used because they reduce the economic cost of the research. FALSE
  2. Basic commercial research is that which is applied to decision-making. FALSE
  3. The main difference between commercial and opinion research is not the formal object, but the techniques to be used. FALSE
  4. In the Spanish market, the most widely used qualitative technique, in terms of turnover, is the in-depth interview. FALSE
  5. The determination
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Hotel Operational Procedures: Maintenance, Security, and Efficiency


Repairs & Maintenance Storeroom

Keeps track record of the various trade employees’ tool boxes. Maintains at proper levels stocks of most common spare parts, following manufacturers and/or suppliers recommendations, to avoid rupture in the functioning of technical utilities and appliances needed to the operation, such as bulbs, nails, screws, bolts…

Maintenance, Technical Utilities and Equipment History Record

Every existing and working technical utility, appliance

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New Technologies and Ecology in Hotel Operations

New Technologies

Items such as low consumption, long life bulbs; hybrid and full electrical powered vehicles; H.D./digital T.V., Cellular phones are very helpful. Nevertheless, it may be advisable to analyze and determine which of these new technologies are positively fit to the use in hotels, if we evaluate efficiency, costs and, obviously guest/client demand. Not all new technologies ‘per se’ are sustainable, depending on the type of hotel property and operation.

Intelligent Buildings

Are composed

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Effective Sales Management: Strategies and Techniques

Sales Management

Sales managers take a systematic approach to decisions concerning the sales team. The changes are designed to increase profitability, reduce costs, improve efficiency, or implement a combination of the three. A well-prepared, informed, and intelligent sales director will only proceed to reorganize or modify part or all components of the team if it is considered that the team will become more efficient and profitable for the company.


Leadership exerts influence over others

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