Essential 8051 Microcontroller Assembly Language Programs

Data Transfer Between Specified Memory Locations

This program loads the values 30H, 40H, and 05H into registers R0, R1, and R7, respectively. It then moves the data at the address pointed to by R0 to the accumulator (A), moves the content of A to the address pointed to by R1, increments R0 and R1, and decrements R7. This process repeats until R7 becomes zero.

MOV R0,#30H
MOV R1,#40H
MOV R7,#05H
       MOV @R1,A
       INC R0
       INC R1
       DJNZ R7,BACK

Data Exchange

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Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering: Concepts and Applications

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Basic Electrical Quantities

  1. Voltage
    – Unit: Volt
    – Symbol: V
  2. Current
    – Unit: Ampere
    – Symbol: I
  3. Resistance
    – Unit: Ohm
    – Symbol: Ω (Greek letter Omega)
  4. Electrical Energy
    – Unit: Joule (for energy)
    – Symbol: E
  5. Electrical Power
    – Unit: Watt
    – Symbol: P
  6. Inductance
    – Unit: Henry
    – Symbol: H
  7. Resistivity
    – Unit: Ohm-meter
    – Symbol: ρ (Greek letter Rho)
  8. Flux Density
    – Unit: Tesla
    – Symbol: T

Key Concepts in Electricity

  1. Applications of Electrical Energy
    – Electrical energy is used in a wide
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English Phonetics: Elision, Liaison, Gemination, and More


It is the omission of a sound under certain conditions in colloquial speech. Under certain circumstances sounds disappear. Elision is typical of rapid, casual speech.

  • A syllable containing the unstressed ‘schwa’. similar
  • With / t / and / d /, especially when they appear in a consonant cluster (CCC).
  • With the / h / in connected rapid speech or in auxiliaries of past modals verbs.
  • In clusters of three or even fours elements.


It is the elision of a vowel sound (generally ) of an unstressed

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Three-Phase & Single-Phase Power Systems: Star & Delta Connections Explained

Three-Phase Electric Power

  • Single-Phase System: Two wires (phase and neutral) carry current.
  • Three-Phase System: Three wires carry AC voltages, making it more economical than a single-phase system.

Star (Y) and Delta (Δ) Connections

  • Star Connection:

    • Structure: 4 wires (3 phases, 1 neutral).
    • Voltage: Each winding receives 230V.
    • Applications: Power transmission for longer distances, requires less starting current.
    • Insulation: Less insulation is needed due to different line and phase voltages (VL = √3 VP)
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Digital Modulation Techniques: BPSK, QPSK, Pulse Shaping, and Eye Diagrams


Python Implementation of BPSK Modulation

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Parameters
message_frequency = 10
carrier_frequency = 20
sampling_frequency = 30 * carrier_frequency
duration = 4 / carrier_frequency

# Time vector
t = np.arange(0, duration, 1 / sampling_frequency)

# Message signal
message = np.sign(np.cos(2 * np.pi * message_frequency * t) + np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=len(t)))

# Carrier signal
carrier = np.cos(2 * np.pi * carrier_frequency * t)

# BPSK modulated signal

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Fundamentals of Communication Systems

. Noise Figure (NF): In communications, the Noise
Figure of a system or component, such as an amplifier or receiver, is crucial as it quantifies how much noise is added to the signal as it passes through. A lower noise figure indicates a better performance because it means less noise is introduced, thereby preserving the quality of the received signal. It is important in the design and analysis of communication systems to ensure high signal integrity.   2.

Noise Temperature:

Noise Temperature

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