Understanding Digital Signatures, PPIs, and Cybercrime
Digital Signature Certificates and Certifying Authorities
Function of Certifying Authority (CA)
- Acts as a regulatory certifying authority.
- Recognizes foreign certifying authorities.
- Grants licenses to certifying authorities to issue electronic signature certificates.
- Suspends licenses.
Rules to Obtain a License to Issue Electronic Certificates (EC)
- Application for license.
- Submission of application.
- Validity of license.
- Issuance of license.
- Renewal of license.
- Suspension of license.
Duties of a Certifying Authority
Read MoreStrategic Planning, Ethics, and Organizational Design
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is a systematic process of evaluating the nature of a business, defining long-term goals and objectives, developing strategies, and allocating resources to carry out these strategies. Key characteristics include maximizing current yield, capital profits, social responsibility, equity liquidity, and attitude to risk.
Ethics in Administration
Ethics is a set of moral principles and norms governing human activities. Within administration, an organizational culture
Read MoreWorkplace Laws and Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter 1: Employment Practices
Any recruitment, hiring, or selection practice, or any transfer or promotion policy, or any benefit provision or other function of the employer’s employment process that operates as an analysis or screening device.
Background Checks
This process for screening job applicants may include:
- Contacting references
- Verifying past employment
- Verifying past military service
- Confirming the candidate actually has degrees, licenses, etc.
- Checking driving records
- Checking for criminal
Business Characteristics, Benefits, Ethics, and Structures
Characteristics of Businesses
Businesses consist of a number of people.
The people who belong to them will share some values and views about the purpose of the businesses.
They will have incomes and costs, profits and losses.
They need different types of resources to produce different goods and services.
They need to coordinate a number of different activities done by different individuals.
Benefits of Small Businesses
- Creating employment: more than 90% are employed in SMEs in the western world.
- Their output
Business Communication and Organizational Structure
Formal and Informal Organization
Organizations can be defined by management or arise spontaneously through relationships. These relationships lead to formal and informal organizational types.
Informal Organization
Informal organization refers to the joint social relations that arise spontaneously within a company. It is more difficult to establish than the formal structure.
Communication in Business
Elements of Communication
Communication involves the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver.
Read MoreHR Roles, Responsibilities, and Team Dynamics in Organizations
Organizational Demands on Human Resources
Organizations’ demands on human resources:
- Understand and assume the company strategy (mission, vision, values).
- Define positions within a dynamic organization.
- Recruit adequate staff.
- Facilitate job performance and compromise.
- Recognize good work and correct the bad.
- Facilitate employee engagement.
HR Management Roles
- HR Director (CPO): Strategy
- HR Managers (Specialists): Execution of HR strategy
- HR Business Partner (HRBP): Supports the Director of a Business Area