Symbols and Class Divisions in The Great Gatsby
The Eyes of God
The eyes of God represent the idea that “Somebody is always watching.” The billboard is described as a pair of eyes looking through yellow spectacles. There is no face. The eyes symbolize someone always watching, the yellow rims represent the corruption of society and characters, and the lack of a face represents the hollowness of some characters.
The Green Light
First discovered by Nick when he watches Gatsby standing on his lawn, gazing at a green light emanating from the dock. The
Read MoreLinear Regression Models: Building, Selection, and Variables
Linear Regression Models
Theoretical/Population Model
µy = β0 + β1×1 + β2×2 + β3xi + β4xf or y = β0 + β1x + ε where ε ∼ N(0, σ) – can describe the relationship between x’s and y using a simple linear regression.
- µy — average (mean) value of y in population for fixed value of x
- β0 — population intercept – the mean value of the response when the explanatory variable is 0
- β1 — population slope – the mean change in the response for every one unit increase in the explanatory variable
- xi
Machine Learning Key Concepts: A Quick Review
Machine Learning Key Concepts
1. You have a dataset with 7 features and 3 different labels. Which of the following would be a valid NN model? All of the above
2. Which of the following is not a data preprocessing task? Data translation
3. On a neural network, the output layer represents… Labels
6. Which is the output of this code? [[0,0,1], [0, 1,0],[1,0,0]]
7. What does this confusion matrix represent, where 1= positive and 0 = negative & T=True and F=False? TP=41, TN=116, FP=9, FN=26
9. With data
Read MoreGatsby’s World: A Chapter-by-Chapter Synopsis
Chapter 1: The Green Light
In the first chapter, the reader gets an introduction to the characters and their character traits:
- Jordan Baker: Uninhibited
- Nick Carraway: Unpolarized
- Daisy Buchanan: Sassy
- Tom Buchanan: Aggressive
- Jay Gatsby: Mysterious
Chapter 2: The Valley of Ashes
In chapter two, the reader learns that Tom Buchanan is unfaithful. Nick, being observant, rides with Tom on the train to the valley of ashes to see Tom’s mistress, Myrtle. Myrtle tells her husband that she’s going to visit her
Read MoreTheories on the Origin of Language: Divine, Natural, Physical
The Divine Source
In the Hindu tradition, language came from Sarasvati, wife of Brahma, the creator of the universe.
In the Biblical source, specifically the book of Genesis, God created Adam and “whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.”
The basic assumption of the Divine Source Theory is that if human infants were allowed to grow up without hearing any language around them, then they would spontaneously begin using the original God-given language.
The Experiment
Read MoreInternet of Things (IoT), Embedded Systems, and Machine Learning Fundamentals
Chapter 1: Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT = Thing + Computational Intelligence + Connection to the Internet -> can produce a lot of data
Uniquely identifiable embedded systems (Things) connected with the internet infrastructure
Node devices (things) collect data from sensors -> data sent to the internet through a gateway
Things and gateways are considered as “edges”
Parts: Microcontroller, Expansion board and battery, Sensors and actuators
Chapter 2: Embedded Systems
Embedded systems are special-
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