Clara Campoamor’s Speech Analysis


The text to be analyzed is part of a speech delivered by Clara Campoamor in the Spanish Parliament in 1931, only a few months before the same Parliament approved the 1931 Constitution. Because of the topics involved in the speech, it can be said that this is obviously a sociopolitical text, and it can prove its historical and public nature, because the above speech was published before the parliament and published in the newspaper, so Spanish citizens can know this.

The author of the analyzed

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Evolution of Indian Nationalism Under British Rule

The history of seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth-century India is primarily the history of the formation of a nation and the struggle against British Colonial rule. Indian nationalism is a historical phenomenon which happened in modern history. Nationalism in India evolved during the British colonial period as a result of various subjective and objective factors and forces, which developed within the Indian society under the conditions of British rule and have impacted the world.


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The Cold War: Origins, Phases, and End

The Cold War

The Cold War was the struggle for world dominance between the capitalist countries led by the USA & formed mainly by Western Europe, Australia & Japan, & the socialists’ countries led by the USSR & formed mainly by Eastern Europe, China & Cuba. The Cold War was an indirect conflict because a war between the 2 superpowers (the USA & USSR) would have led to MAD.


Mad It is a military concept which appeared after the development of the thermonuclear fusion weapons

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India-Bangladesh Relations: Cooperation and Conflict

Q1. Mention one area each of cooperation and disagreement between India and Bangladesh?
Ans One area of cooperation between India and Bangladesh is in the field of trade and economic relations, where both countries have been working to enhance bilateral trade and investment.

One area of disagreement between India and Bangladesh has been regarding the sharing of river waters, particularly the Teesta River, which has been a point of contention due to differing water usage needs and concerns about equitable

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Media Influence in Conflict Reporting

Event Driven News

News stories created due to dramatic events. Told by different perspective than official stand. Sometimes the media can’t rely on its real sources (journalists let other voices be heard)

Rally Around the Flag

Phenomenon when public’s and media’s reactions include patriotic emotions and tend to support the government’s action during the first stages of a conflict. Government’s ability to mobilize the media in times of conflict affects the way the public perceives the events.


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Indian Constitution and Secularism: Scholar Opinions

PSIR Scholars.


Scholar name

  • Edward Said – Orientalism. Myth of white man’s burden.
  • Bipin Chandra – INM -warmth- present times
  • Francis Hutchins – Gandhi- politician Non-violence -bring people in
  • Immanuel Wallerstein – Colonialism concept by Marxists, Core and peripheries
  • Rabindranath Tagore – When the British will leave,they will leave filth
  • Tirthankar Roy – Deindustrialization is a myth, Real problem is lack of public investment
  • economist John Hurd – railway network lead to a rise in income levels
  • Jawaharlal
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