Causes and Consequences of World War II

The Causes of WWII

  • Dissatisfaction with Peace Treaties

    Germany and Italy were unhappy with the terms of the Peace Treaties signed after WWI. They wanted to recover lost territories.
  • Economic Protectionism

    Protectionism made countries look for new markets for their products. Rivalry increased between nations. Germany, Italy, and Japan re-armed.
  • Expansionist Policies

    Germany, Italy, and Japan wanted to expand their territories and find new raw materials.
  • Appeasement Policies

    In order to maintain peace and
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The Enlightenment and the French Revolution: A Comprehensive Guide

The Enlightenment: Age of Reason

The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was a philosophical movement that emphasized the power of human reason and the importance of individual rights. It had a profound impact on the way people viewed government and society, and it laid the groundwork for the French Revolution.

Themes of the Enlightenment

  • Progress
  • Liberty
  • Happiness
  • Nature (natural laws)

Key Thinkers of the Enlightenment

  • Thomas Hobbes: Believed that people are inherently selfish and evil, and
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The Roaring Twenties and Totalitarian Regimes: A Historical Overview

Roaring Twenties

Term for Western society culture (1920), a period of sustained economic prosperity and a decade of great economic growth and widespread prosperity, driven by recovery from wartime devastation and postponed spending. A boom in construction led to the economy of the US booming and providing loans for a European boom as well. Some sectors were stagnant, especially farming and mining. The US became the richest country, augmented its status as the largest economy, aligned its industry

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Liberal Ideology vs. Absolutism: Historical Perspectives


Sovereignty belongs to the nation. People govern themselves through representatives. No absolute power leads to separation of powers. Right to vote, representatives elected through suffrage. Citizens and King must comply with laws, especially the constitution or fundamental law. All men are equal in the eyes of the law. Freedom of the press is recognized. Economic freedom. Men and women have rights to life, freedom, and property. Separation of church and state.



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World War I and II: Causes, Events, and Consequences

Part 1: World War 1

Causes of WW1:

  • Militarism: Germany was competing with the UK to rebuild battleships. The British feared an attack on their empire. Germany was competing with Russia to expand their armies.
  • Alliances: all major powers were linked by a system of alliances. The alliances made it more likely that a war would start. Once started, the alliances made it more likely to spread.
  • Imperialism: all great powers were competing for colonies/territories. The British forced Germany in Africa. The
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The Cold War: History, Events, and Impact

The Cold War

  • Tense international relations from 1947-1991
  • Two blocs: United States and Soviet Union
  • Iron Curtain (Churchill)


  • Bipolar order
  • Arms race
  • Areas of influence
  • Propaganda
  • Threat of war
  • Regional conflicts
  • Espionage and secret services

The Western Bloc

  • Truman Doctrine: containment of communism
  • Marshall Plan: European Recovery program, economic aid
  • NATO: military alliance

Soviet Bloc

  • Satellite states: economically and politically under its control
  • Comecon: economic coordination and mutual help
  • Warsaw
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