The Restoration Period in Spain: From Bipartisanship to Crisis (1874-1931)

The Restoration Period in Spain (1874-1931)

First Stage of the Restoration (1874-1902)

The initial phase of the Restoration period was characterized by a bipartisan system, with power alternating between the Conservatives (led by Cánovas del Castillo) and the Liberals (led by Sagasta) through electoral manipulation. The Constitution of 1876, drafted by Cánovas, established this framework. Outside of this system were the Republicans (divided into various factions) and the Carlists.

Key events during

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Fitness Marketing History: A Century of Evolution and Impact

  • Knowledge of Fitness Marketing History

    Most fitness marketers today have limited knowledge of the history of fitness marketing styles and campaigns.


    a. The majority of today’s fitness marketers have little knowledge of this topic.

  • Factors Influencing Fitness Industry Growth

    The Industrial Revolution and the rivalry between Russia (USSR) and the USA in athlete development significantly accelerated the growth of the fitness industry.


    c. The rivalry of Russia (USSR) and USA related to the

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Transaxion POS Release Notes

Version 2.17.1


  • Completed Dokmail implementation with Transaxion.
  • Completed display pole function with animations.
  • Allowed loyalty payment on received on account transactions.
  • Allowed loyalty payment on customer deposit transactions.
  • Added log infos when POS and Server start.


  • Fixed issue where a method of payment could not be applied on transactions with a negative sub-total and a positive transaction total.
  • Fixed penny rounding under $0.05 with a completed payment on special order.
  • Fixed issue
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Speed, Resistance, and Flexibility Training Guide for Athletes

Speed Training


Speed allows athletes to react and move efficiently. It’s categorized into:

Pure Speed

  • Response Speed: Reacting quickly to stimuli.
  • Acyclic Action Speed: Performing single movements rapidly (e.g., throwing a ball).
  • Cyclic Frequency Speed: Moving at maximum speed in repetitive actions (e.g., running).

Complex Speed

  • Force-Velocity: Overcoming resistance with maximum force.
  • Speed-Strength (Agility): Maintaining speed while changing direction or resisting fatigue.

Training Methods

  1. Lactic
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Understanding Quality Dimensions and Assurance Systems

Understanding Quality

Defining Quality

Comparative Sense (Degree of Excellence): Products are ranked or graded on a relative basis.

Quantitative Sense (Manufacturing/Production): Refers to specific quality levels.

Fitness for Purpose Sense: Evaluates a product’s ability to meet a given need.

Gap Between Perception and Expectation

Customer expectations are shaped by various factors, leading to potential gaps between what is expected and what is perceived.

Factors Influencing Expectations:

  • Word of mouth
  • Personal
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Exemplar-Based and Rule-Based Language Systems

Memory System: The human memory system for language is vast but not always efficiently organized. It often involves multiple representations of the same information, leading scholars to believe that language learning is more exemplar-based than rule-based. Learners draw on their existing knowledge base (EBS) for quick access to linguistic elements, relying on memorized exemplars (formulaic chunks) for fluent speech. This approach minimizes processing demands as exemplars are retrieved as whole units,

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English Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises with Future Plans

English Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

Present and Past Continuous Tense

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses using the present continuous tense. Indicate if the action is present or future.

a) They are saving (save) money to buy a new house. (PRESENT)
b) She isn’t listening (not listen) to me. (PRESENT)
c) It isn’t raining (not rain) now, we can go to the beach. (PRESENT)
d) Ana is running (run) in the park. (PRESENT)
e) My friends are visiting (visit) their parents next weekend.

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Product Management and Pricing Strategies


Product Types

Three types of products exist: core, actual, and augmented.

  • Core Product: Intangible, its value lies in the benefit it provides to the consumer.
  • Actual Product: Physical and tangible.
  • Augmented Product: Intangible, adds value to the core product.

Key Elements

Tangibility, intangibility, utility, exchange, creation and design, branding, and lifecycle.

Product Classification

Products can be classified based on various factors:

  • Nature of the product (durable goods, non-durable goods, consumer
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Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and JavaServer Pages (JSP): A Comprehensive Guide

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. It’s an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows Java programs to connect and interact with databases. It acts as a bridge between Java code and database systems, providing classes and interfaces for communication. JDBC is automatically installed with the JDK software.

What JDBC Does

  • Connects to Various Databases: JDBC offers a standardized way to connect to different databases like MySQL, Oracle, etc.
  • Executes
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Understanding AI: Types, Applications, and Search Algorithms

Q1) What is AI? Explain Categorization of Intelligent Systems

Artificial Intelligence Explained:

Artificial intelligence (AI) involves creating intelligent machines capable of performing tasks typically associated with human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, reasoning, decision-making, perception, and understanding.

Approaches to Achieving AI:

  • Machine learning: Training algorithms on data to learn specific tasks.
  • Deep learning: Using artificial neural networks to mimic the human brain.
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