Jurisdiction & Procedures for Street Market Licensing in Spain

Jurisdiction and Procedure for Granting Street Market Licenses

Licensing Jurisdiction

Licensing jurisdiction for street markets lies with the local ayuntamiento (city council). Approvals from other administrative bodies do not exempt the holder from obtaining the necessary licenses from the ayuntamiento.

The specific authority responsible for granting licenses may vary depending on local regulations and can be delegated to the mayor, the plenary council, or the local government board (JGL). In municipalities

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Capital Expenditure: Money spent to acquire fixed assets in  usiness (machines, land, building).
Revenue Expenditure: Money used in the day-to-day running of a business. Daily payments or expenses (rent, wages, raw materials, insurance).
Internal sources of finance: Money obtained from within the business
Personal funds/savings: A source of finance for sole traders that comes mostly from their own personal savings. 
Retained profits: Profit that remains after a business has paid a corporation tax
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