Lazarillo de Tormes

Structure The book is structured around two structural models: the autobiography and the Epistle. Lazarus, adult, receives a letter from “Your Honor”, which asks you to explain “the case”. To do this, Lazarus tells him his life. Epistolary (letter).
Consists of: Prologue (what motivates him to tell the story.) Seven illegal extension treaties: treaties 1-3: Learning to adversity; treated 4-6: improving living standards (have learned enough to survive, which explains the consent of his wife’s adulterous affair with the Dean, for it has provided a modest employment); treaty7: “case” justification. The last of the treaty reveals that the work is a response letter that explains in one case: the gossip about the relationships of women of Lazarus with the archpriest of San Salvador. The case is therefore of fundamental importance because it is the pretext for the character to tell his story. Because of this, the novel structure from the end, because the episodes are included in it are selected to explain the case. TREATY 1 . Lazaro recounts his childhood (crucial to understand the character and its environment). The episode of the blind, his first love will give us the starting point of the protagonist’s psychological development. With the blind boy learns the lessons that are very useful in later life “Truth is this, that I met the eye and tell stir because only I am and think I know how to assert “(must fend for himself and distrust of greed and selfishness of others). TREATY 2. Cleric Episode miser. It follows the character’s psychological development. It confirms the idea, learned with the blind, that greed and selfishness are very general defects in humans and if you want to go ahead can only trust yourself. TREATY 3. Episodio the squire. Lazarus learns that the glory of this world is based on appearance alone. It presents a new facet of the character of Lazarus is capable of compassion and even tenderness. TREATY 4 and 6. Merely episodic. They only serve to introduce new masters. TREATY 5. Episodio of pardoner. Lazarus continues to learn lessons to “win” in life. Here she realizes that with lies and cunning can have a comfortable life. TREATY 7. Lazarus comes to what he considers “the summit of all good fortune” a claim that can be understood ironically because it is what has come to be a preacher of wine in Toledo and raised as a chaplain is protected home. At the end of the novel we witness the closing of the psychological development of character, Lazarus, who started as an innocent and helpless child, has learned the lessons provided by his experience of a bitter reality and becomes a man content with his lot. The protection of the chaplain, through his wife, he will live the rest of his life without undue hardship if it knows to ignore the opinion of others regarding his honor. The lesson we learned with the squire, here takes on its full significance: to save his honor-that is just looking to maintain good opinion, “the squire leads a miserable life. Lazarus disregarded his own to lead a quiet life.

Language-noticeable difference of this work on the narratives of the time.
plain language of the Lazarillo is spontaneous and without artifice, which is consistent with the realism of the novel. Lázaro vital Topics Process from innocence to degradation. Damning indictment of the Spanish social reality: the service system several masters gives the author an appropriate vehicle for criticism from different social strata. Satire sense of honor: (trat. III) the honor was something to be possessed or not by birth, and was enough in appearance, in which say or money. This is confirmed by the conduct of a gentleman, and so I came to understand the rogue.Anticlerical satire: of the nine owners of Lazarus, it is significant that five are religious. Among them, the priest of Maqueda is the same greed, the friar of Mercy is an example of profligacy, the Pardoner is a swindler, the chaplain, an operator, and the Dean, a hypocrite given to lust. Time external
There are some data that help us to put the time of action:
“I took Gonzalez, Lazaro’s father, died in the battle of Djerba. At this time there were two expeditions to Djerba, 1510 and 1520.
– If events unfold in the last treaty was in Toledo Cortes, Charles V entering triumphantly into the city. Were two Calls for Cuts in Toledo: 1525 and 1538 / 9. Therefore, the events described occurred between 1510 and 1539, the time of Charles V.
“The work reflects social and historical aspects of the time. Begging and social situation of the lower classes, the concept of honor and the honor, the problem of purity of blood; Renaissance religious controversy.
Internal time
-Intersecting planes of time: time of Lazarus narrator-preacher and the time of Lazarillo with successive masters.
“The story is written from this narrative, the crier and cuckold Lazarus (prologue and treated VII). From the moment you enter a flashback (flash
back) of the rogue’s life.
“This reconstruction of the rogue’s life follows a linear chronological development, and fragmentary and selective.
SPACE Novel Travelers. His journey takes him from his geographic Tejares (province of Salamanca) home to their material well in Toledo, passed by hunger and begging suffered in Salamanca, Almorox (province of Toledo), Escalona (Toledo province), Maqueda (province Toledo) and Toledo itself, where, deserted by the gentleman, will start after his Social thrive while their moral debasement. But space is alsosymbolic. Its route from Salamanca to Toledo is a moral journey in which the process is configured rogue’s education.