Yoga Asanas: Benefits, Procedures, and Contraindications

Discuss the two contraindications of Trikonasana.

Ans;1. Avoid doing this pose if you are suffering from low or high blood pressure. As the flow of blood goes the opposite way it may become uncomfortable for someone suffering from blood pressure. 2. Any kind of neck injury. As the neck is tilted and is hanging downwards, further damage to the nerves and the muscles around the neck is likely.

Discuss the procedure of Pawanmuktasana.

Ans: Procedure of Pawanmuktasana: Lie down on your back on a plain surface. Keep your feet together and place your arms beside your body. Take a deep breath. When you exhale, bring your knees towards your chest. At the same time, press your thighs on your abdomen. Clasp your hands around your legs. Hold the asana when you breathe normally. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. Exhale and release the pose after you rock and roll from side to side three times.

State the contraindication of Gomukhasana and Bhujangasana

Ans: Contraindications of Gomukhasana:
1. People with stiff shoulders may have to take it slow and easy. 2. There will be too much stretch at the upper arms and wrists, so one must take caution while doing this. The guidance of the teacher is essential here. Trying to reach for the palms without understanding the flexibility of the arms will turn harmful. 3. Any kind of hip problems or injury at the knee, hamstring, and quadriceps should be avoided.
Contraindications of Bhugangasana:
1. Those with severe back problems relating to the spine should clearly avoid this yoga pose. 2. Someone having neck problems relating to spondylitis too should clearly avoid this yoga pose. 3. Someone suffering from stomach disorders like ulcers should ensure proper guidance while doing this yoga pose or avoid this yoga pose if discomfort is seen or felt.

Discuss Asana as preventive measures in detail?

Ans: Asana can be preventive measures as they provide the following physiological benefits which ultimately help in avoiding various lifestyle diseases. The following are the benefits of asana for the prevention of diseases:
a. Bones and joints become strong: By performing regular asana, the bones, cartilages, and ligaments become strong. Along with this, the height of children is enhanced. b. Circulation of blood becomes normal: By performing asana regularly, the stroke volume as well as cardiac output increases because cardiac muscles start working more strongly and efficiently. Blood circulation becomes proper and blood pressure normalizes and stabilizes. c. Immune system is strengthened: By regular practice of asana, our immune system is strengthened. As a result, our body becomes less prone to diseases. d. Respiratory organs become efficient: By performing asana regularly, the respiratory organs become efficient. The vital air capacity increases up to 6000cc. The size of lungs and chest also enhances. e. Efficiency of the excretory system enhances: By regularly performing asana, the efficiency of the excretory system enhances. As a result, the waste products such as lactic acid, acid phosphate, urea, uric acid, etc. are excreted quickly and properly which in turn help in delaying fatigue. f. Muscles become strong: By performing asana regularly, muscles of the body become strong. The efficiency of the muscles increases. Fat does not accumulate in the body. In fact, the appearance of the body enhances. The size of the muscles also increases.

What do you mean by diabetes? Discuss the procedure, benefits, and contraindications of Bhujangasana.

Ans: Diabetes is such a disorder that it causes sugar to build up in our bloodstream instead of being used by the cells in the body.
Procedure of Bhujangasana: In this asana, the shape of the body remains like a snake, that is why it is called Bhujangasana. In order to perform this asana, lie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your hands near the shoulders. Keep your legs close together. Now straighten up your arms slowly, raise the chest. Your head should turn backward. Keep the position for some time. Then get back to the former position. For good results, perform this asana for 4 to 5 times.
Benefits of Bhujangasana: a. It alleviates obesity. b. It provides strength and agility. c. It cures the disorders of the urinary bladder. d. It cures the disease of the liver. e. It improves blood circulation. f. It makes the vertebral column flexible and thin. g. It cures gas disorders, constipation, and indigestion. h. It strengthens the muscles of hands.
Contraindications of Bhujangasana:
a. People suffering from hernia, back injuries, headaches, and recent abdominal surgeries should not perform this asana. b. Pregnant women should not perform this asana.