

Chipping: cutting, strucking, or flaking off a small usually thin and flat piece (as of wood or stone) = flake off, flake out / desprenderse, romper / déchiquetage, ébréchure, écaillage, s’effriter. (ex. The painting was constantly peeling off the thin walls).

Disrepair: the state of being in need of repair = désolation / deterioro, en mal estado / délabrement, en mauvais état. (ex. The fence, the rail and the front door were in a bad state). 

Redlined: to discriminate against in housing – segregation law: Jim Crow Laws 1877 – legal separation of people by race = segregated / discriminé (ex. Where they lived was segregated by the government).

Soared: to ascend to a higher or more exalted level = arise / izar, elevar / hisser. (ex. The flag on the aluminium pole always stood tall).

Tatter: a part torn and left hanging = rend / rota, desgarrada / déchiré, être en lambeaux. (ex. The Flag was immediately replaced if it had any harm).

Sharecroppers: a tenant farmer especially in the southern U.S. who is provided with credit for seed, tools, living quarters, and foos, who works the land, and who receives an agreed share of the value of the crop minus charges = aparcero / métayer. (ex. Born into a family of farmers that don’t own the land to plant, they rent it with crops).

apartheid: racial segregation = ségrégation raciale / segregación racial (ex. Mississippi was a state with racial segregation and unfavorable conditions for black people).

Apartheid = system of segregationist policies against non-white citizens in South Africa. 

Lynched: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission = execution / linchar / lyncher. (ex. The residents of Mississippi treated very poorly (almost torture) black people, more than in any other state).

Sharecroppers union: Alabama Sharecroppers Union. Its aims were to improve wages and working conditions for sharecroppers = Syndicar de métayers. 

Toiling: long strenuous fatiguing labor = strive / trabajo duro / travailler d’arrache-pied, dure labeur, peiner. (ex. Working really hard and in bad conditions).

Segregated: set apart or separated from others of the same kind or group = excluded / ségrégué, isolé (ex. In a separated from white people neighborhood).

Stunted: to hinder the normal growth, development, or progression of an action = hinder / retardé, ralenti, rabougri, arrêté / atrofiado, paralizado. (ex. His ambition missed).

Murky: characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity = muddy, dim / turbio / sombre, troublé (ex. He would not be accepted because of weird and mysterious reasons).

Firsthand: obtained by, coming from, or being direct personal observation or experience = eyewitness / de primera mano, personalmente / constater (vivre) par eux mêmes, directement (1ère main). (ex. Having seen eyewitnesses of the way his country abused black Americans).

Osmosis: an usually effortless and often unconscious assimilation / influencia recírpoca entre dos individuos o elementos que están en contacto = osmosis / osmose, assimilation, acculturation (ex. Through cultural influence and by the norm).

Ashore: the land bordering a usually large body of water = aground, beached / à terre, vers le rivage / a la orilla (costa) a tierra. (ex. Who arrived through the shore).

Grueling: trying or taxing to the point of exhaustion: PUNISHING = arduous / agotador, extenuante / épuisant, extenuant. (ex. Almost two million did not survive the strenuous (tough) journey).

Sprawling: an irregularly spread or scattered group or mass = expand / s’étaler / en expansión, desbordante. (ex. Improving and expanding properties that today attract thousands).

Lugged: to carry laboriously = carry / arrastrar, cargar / tirer, traîner. (ex. They carried the heavy tracks).

Tracks: the parallel rails of a railroad = channels, paths / pistes, voies ferrées / vías, rieles. (ex. They lugged the pieces of wood). 

Crisscrossed: that pass back and forth through or over = converge / entrelazado / traversé, silloner, entrecrosser. (ex. The train tracks united teh South to the Nord, that’s how they transported cotton).

Acculturation: cultural modification of an individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture (ex. the acculturation of immigrants to Americal life) Also: a merging of culures as a result of prolonged contact. OR the procces by which a human being acquires the culture of a particular society from infancy = acculturation / aculturación