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Silent feature of UK Constitution
Introduction: A constitution mean certain principles on which the government of the state is organized and which determines the relations between the peaple and the goverment.The Constitution of U.K is uniqe in nature.And it is the oldest constitution of the word
following are the salient features of the U.K Constitution:
Unwritten:The british constitution is unwritten in nature but it does not uimply or suggest that all of its parts are unwritten.It means that is has not been reduced to writing in a single doc ument, But some of the impiortant documents are available in codified form. Magna carta 1215,The petition of right 1628,the bill of right 1789,the parliament act 1911
Evolution Growth:British constitutionis a result of an evolutionary growth.
Flexible Constitution:British constitution is a flexible constitution and parliament can amend it like alterations isn the statutory laws by a simple majority.
unitary:British has unitary constitution.All powers of the state are vested in the parliament of the whole country.there are no units or states in british.
Bicamerlism: the constitution the British parliament consists of two houses.The House of Commons (lower house) and the House of Lords (upper house). Thus, the kind of legislation in Britain is Bi-cameral.
Rule of law:In England no person is above the law. No one can break the law with impunity.
conventions:Conventions Play a vital role in the british political system.A government is formed and removed on the basis of convention.It is said thta the conventions are main source behind the british constitution
Independence of Judiciary:The British constitution Is based on the principle of independence of judiciary. Since the year 1700 this principle has been a fundamental principle of the English constitution
Party System: British constitution consists of two party system
Right to vote: Every person age of 18 has the right to vote
Parliament’s sovereignty: Parliament is sovereign. The British parliament can do everything except making man a woman and vice-versa. Law which are passed by passed by the parliament thta can not be challenged in the court
Limited separaiton of powers:There are organ of the state,are legislation,executive and judiciary must be independent in the state
Conclusion:The above study brings forth a unique feature of the British constitution that not only the constitution is revolutionary but the evolution is still continuing.
Silent feature of UK Constitution
Introduction: A constitution mean certain principles on which the government of the state is organized and which determines the relations between the peaple and the goverment.The Constitution of U.K is uniqe in nature.And it is the oldest constitution of the word
following are the salient features of the U.K Constitution:
Unwritten:The british constitution is unwritten in nature but it does not uimply or suggest that all of its parts are unwritten.It means that is has not been reduced to writing in a single doc ument, But some of the impiortant documents are available in codified form. Magna carta 1215,The petition of right 1628,the bill of right 1789,the parliament act 1911
Evolution Growth:British constitutionis a result of an evolutionary growth.
Flexible Constitution:British constitution is a flexible constitution and parliament can amend it like alterations isn the statutory laws by a simple majority.
unitary:British has unitary constitution.All powers of the state are vested in the parliament of the whole country.there are no units or states in british.
Bicamerlism: the constitution the British parliament consists of two houses.The House of Commons (lower house) and the House of Lords (upper house). Thus, the kind of legislation in Britain is Bi-cameral.
Rule of law:In England no person is above the law. No one can break the law with impunity.
conventions:Conventions Play a vital role in the british political system.A government is formed and removed on the basis of convention.It is said thta the conventions are main source behind the british constitution
Independence of Judiciary:The British constitution Is based on the principle of independence of judiciary. Since the year 1700 this principle has been a fundamental principle of the English constitution
Party System: British constitution consists of two party system
Right to vote: Every person age of 18 has the right to vote
Parliament’s sovereignty: Parliament is sovereign. The British parliament can do everything except making man a woman and vice-versa. Law which are passed by passed by the parliament thta can not be challenged in the court
Limited separaiton of powers:There are organ of the state,are legislation,executive and judiciary must be independent in the state
Conclusion:The above study brings forth a unique feature of the British constitution that not only the constitution is revolutionary but the evolution is still continuing.