Untitled 1

1. A manager arrives in the early morning to a large fundraising event to see disorder and no clear direction. She begins to give clear directives and assert leadership throughout the long day until the job is done. The trait most described is:
a. determination
2. Which of the following traits does the book attribute to Oprah Winfrey?
d. charismatic
3. Which of the following is not one of Bill Gates’s traits as discussed in the text?
b. compassionate
4. George Washington was neither highly educated nor brilliant, yet he was known for his wisdom. This demonstrates the idea that a leader can improve their by staying informed and working hard at being aware.
c. intelligence
5. What is not one of Nelson Mandela’s traits discussed in the text?
d. aggressive
6. Leaders must balance between being __ and monitoring what is appropriate to
disclose in a particular situation.
a. open and candid
7. Honesty, as a component of integrity, helps people to have __ and __ in a leader.
b. trust; faith
8. One who develops her or his skills through practice probably views leadership as an ability.
a. true
9. U.S. President John F. Kennedy is given as an example of a leader with which of the six key traits?
a. charisma
10. According to the text, which is the one trait that is easily acquired by those who lead?
b. determination
11. Viewed as a skill, leadership can be:
b. studied and learned
12. A leader walks into a room and immediately commands people’s attention through her presence. This is indicative of which trait?
d. charisma

13. The demand for effective leadership exists at the:
d. all of the above
14. Which trait most closely aligns with a leader who stays focused on tasks, articulates a vision, and encourages others to persevere?
d. determination
15. A new manager is hired for an office; they immediately begin to build a rapport with colleagues and subordinates, tactfully navigate difficult situations, and are friendly and outgoing with all employees. This example demonstrates which trait?
c. sociability
16. A manager who hesitates to take action, feels goals may be too high, and is insecure in their role is lacking:
a. confidence
17. Which of the following is not used to describe George Washington?
d. irritable
18. Charisma is a special personality characteristic that gives a leader the capacity to do:
b. extraordinary things
19. To increase sociability, people can:
d. all of these
20. Mohandas Gandhi advocated nonviolence and civil disobedience, but his _ enabled him to influence others.
a. charisma
21. A leader’s capacity to establish pleasant social relationships is known as:
b. sociability
22. A leader may demonstrate integrity by:
d. adhering to a strong set of principles and taking responsibility for their actions

23. Which of the six traits is at the core of being a leader?
a. integrity
24. Leadership as a skill means it is available only to the few with great ability.
b. false
25. Sociable leaders bring __ to a group and make the work environment__.
d. positive energy; enjoyable
26. The impact of U.S. President Bill Clinton’s leadership was substantially weakened
because of challenges to his:
a. integrity
27. A manager who moves into a new position and begins reading industry magazines, manuals, books, and interviews colleagues about their best practices might be working on improving which of the six leadership traits?
d. intelligence
28. A leader who is willing to assert themselves, be proactive, and can persevere through adversity demonstrates which key trait?
a. determination
29. If people do not trust a leader, the leader’s influence potential is:
a. weakened
30. Nelson Mandela was influenced by ______ before shifting to violent tactics.
b. Mohandas Gandhi
31. It was said of George Washington that he was “great” because he was “:
b. good
32. Winston Churchill was known for which of the following traits?
a. oratory
33. Churchill’s most significant talent was his masterful use of: b. language

34. In the face of criticism Mother Teresa responded with strong will, and she was a leade
b. integrity
35. Confidence is a trait that has to do with —
a. feeling positive about oneself and one’s ability to succeed
36A leader who views leadership as a relationship can be influenced by his or her followers.
a. true
37. According to the text, what is not a characteristic of determined leaders?
c. decisiveness
38. Which researcher identified 22 values leadership traits after studying 17,000 managers in 62 different cultures?
c. House
39. Which of the following is not one of the six key leadership traits identified by researchers?
b. openness to experience
40. Intelligence includes having good language skills, __ skills, and__.
b. critical thinking; confidence
c. perceptual; reasoning ability
42. The relational perspective has a(n) ____ overtone
because it stresses the need for leaders to work 
followers to achieve their mutual purposes.
D) ethical
43. Differences in preferred leadership styles and political
viewpoints around the world are the result of
A) Culture
44. Which leadership approach focuses on followers’ needs in order to help followers become more autonomous and knowledgeable?
A) Servant leadership
45. The demand for effective leadership exists at the:
D) All of the above