Understanding the Silent Features of the US Constitution


A constitution consists of those fundamental rules which determine and distribute functuins and powers among the various organs of the goverment the us constitution set forth the nations fundmental laws and is the supreme law of the land

Silent Features

Of USA Constitution

These are following silent feature of USA Constitution.


The USA Constitution is written
Constitution which is made at Philadelphia convention in 1789. It consist on seven articles which are not more than seven thousand words.

Sovereignty of the Peoples:

The USA Constitution shows the sovereignty of the people in the very start write that We people united states established the constitution for USA.

Rigid Constitution:

American constitution i a riged constitution because requries a special procedure to amend it


The constitution established the federal form of Government in which the powers divided between center and states where there is conflict between center and state. The central powers dominate.


The constitution lays down the legislation as bicameralism.
In which one congress, which consist on senate and House of common,

Separation of Power

The Constitution is based on the doctrine of separation of power. It is not express in constitution but is implied in which the three pillar of Government not interfere in each other matters.
Check and Balance :
In is also the system of check and Balance in it the executive check judiciary and legislation, judiciary check, legislation and executive, etc.

Independence of Judiciary

In it the judiciary is independent  and not work under any authority.

Dual Citizenship

The American constitution give every citizen is dual domicile as the citizenship of American and state.


The constitution established the federal form of Government in which the powers divided between center and states where there is conflict between center and state. The central powers dominate.

Due Process of law

Regular process of law


The U.S constitution provides the presidential form of Government.The Constitution vests executive powers to the President 

Representative Democracy

The American constitution establishes a representative democracy.
All mattes of Government are left in the hands of chosen representatives


To conclude, it can be stated that American constitution can be considered as the oldest written constitution of the world. Since its codification, it has been changing so as to fulfill new needs of time. And amendments are playing important role as far as changes in American Constitution are concerned. 


A constitution consists of those fundamental rules which determine and distribute functuins and powers among the various organs of the goverment the us constitution set forth the nations fundmental laws and is the supreme law of the land

Silent Features Of USA Constitution

These are following silent feature of USA Constitution.


The USA Constitution is written Constitution which is made at Philadelphia convention in 1789. It consist on seven articles which are not more than seven thousand words.

Sovereignty of the Peoples:

The USA Constitution shows the sovereignty of the people in the very start write that We people united states established the constitution for USA.

Rigid Constitution:

American constitution i a riged constitution because requries a special procedure to amend it


The constitution established the federal form of Government in which the powers divided between center and states where there is conflict between center and state. The central powers dominate.


The constitution lays down the legislation as bicameralism. In which one congress, which consist on senate and House of common,

Separation of Power

The Constitution is based on the doctrine of separation of power. It is not express in constitution but is implied in which the three pillar of Government not interfere in each other matters.
Check and Balance :
In is also the system of check and Balance in it the executive check judiciary and legislation, judiciary check, legislation and executive, etc.

Independence of Judiciary

In it the judiciary is independent  and not work under any authority.

Dual Citizenship

The American constitution give every citizen is dual domicile as the citizenship of American and state.


The constitution established the federal form of Government in which the powers divided between center and states where there is conflict between center and state. The central powers dominate.

Due Process of law

Regular process of law


The U.S constitution provides the presidential form of Government.The Constitution vests executive powers to the President 

Representative Democracy

The American constitution establishes a representative democracy. All mattes of Government are left in the hands of chosen representatives


To conclude, it can be stated that American constitution can be considered as the oldest written constitution of the world. Since its codification, it has been changing so as to fulfill new needs of time. And amendments are playing important role as far as changes in American Constitution are concerned.