Understanding Consumer Attitudes: A Multiple Choice Quiz

Multiple Choice Questions: Consumer Attitudes

Understanding Attitudes and Their Components

1. When the SPCA presents facts to counter untrue myths, they are dealing most closely with the _____ component of attitudes.

            A)  classically conditioned

            B)  operantly conditioned

            C)  affective

            D)  cognitive

            E)   behavioral

Answer: D   Page: 395 and 397   Difficulty: moderate  

2. A learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object is known as a(n) _____.

            A)  belief

            B)  emotion

            C)  attitude

            D)  cognition

            E)   attribute

Answer: C   Page: 396   Difficulty: moderate  

3. Caleb learned from his parents that littering was bad, so when he sees someone doing it, he forms an unfavorable impression of that person.  Caleb’s learned predisposition to dislike someone who litters represents his _____.

            A)  emotion

            B)  personality

            C)  attitude

            D)  orientation

            E)   intelligence

Answer: C   Page: 396   Difficulty: moderate  

Functions of Attitudes

4. Which of the following is a function served by attitudes?

            A)  knowledge function

            B)  value-expressive function

            C)  utilitarian function

            D)  ego-defensive function

            E)   all of the above

Answer: E   Page: 396   Difficulty: easy  

5. Some attitudes serve primarily as a means of organizing beliefs about objects or activities such as brands and shopping, which serves a(n) _____ function.

            A)  knowledge

            B)  value-expressive

            C)  utilitarian

            D)  ego-defensive

            E)   orientation

Answer: A   Page: 396   Difficulty: moderate  

6. Which function of attitudes serves to express an individual’s central values and self-concept?

            A)  knowledge function

            B)  value-expressive function

            C)  utilitarian function

            D)  ego-defensive function

            E)   orientation function

Answer: B   Page: 396   Difficulty: moderate  

7. Josh is in elementary school, and he has learned that when he gets good grades and behavior reports, his parents are really proud of him and reward him.  So he has developed a favorable attitude toward behaving and doing well in school.  This attitude is serving which function?

            A)  knowledge function

            B)  value-expressive function

            C)  utilitarian function

            D)  ego-defensive function

            E)   orientation function

Answer: C   Page: 396   Difficulty: hard  

8. Margaret only wants to buy her clothes at American Eagle Outfitter because she knows that they are considered acceptable by her peers, and she wants to be accepted by her peers.  This attitude toward this brand of clothing is serving which function for Margaret?

            A)  knowledge function

            B)  value-expressive function

            C)  utilitarian function

            D)  ego-defensive function

            E)   orientation function

Answer: D   Page: 396   Difficulty: moderate  

Components of Attitudes

9. Which of the following represent the three components of attitudes?

            A)  primary, secondary, and tertiary

            B)  knowledge, value-expressive, and utilitarian

            C)  cognitive, affective, and behavioral

            D)  cognitive, value-expressive, and behavioral

            E)   ego, personality, behavioral

Answer: C   Page: 397   Difficulty: moderate  

10. Which component of attitudes consists of a consumer’s beliefs about an object?

            A)  affective

            B)  cognitive

            C)  factual

            D)  behavioral

            E)   utilitarian

Answer: B   Page: 397   Difficulty: moderate  

11. Mitch likes Toyota automobiles because he thinks they have the highest reliability of all automobiles.  His belief about Toyota’s reliability represents which component of Mitch’s attitude?

            A)  affective

            B)  cognitive

            C)  factual

            D)  behavioral

            E)   utilitarian

Answer: B   Page: 397   Difficulty: moderate  

12. Which of the following is used to understand a consumer’s cognitive component of attitude?

            A)  attribution theory

            B)  cognitive dissonance theory

            C)  multiattribute attitude model