First government of the monarchy, Juan Carlos was crowned as state chief November 22, 1975 continuing as head of government Carlos Arias Navarro.Durante dspues the 6 months was desolador.Tuvo q parorama face a major conflict social.Good unions went on strike demanding political freedoms and greater incidence sindicales.Madrid was dnde hubo.Gobierno Suarez: King forced resignation in July 1976 Arias Suarez give q presidency soon got out politica.Las reform law passed the law courts. Law said: q principle of sovereignty resided in the village, further cuts would be and would be elected bicameral vote universal.Durante 1977 x acontecimientos.Secuestros and killings occurred as well as lawyers laboralistas.Semana holy death 5 legalized the party shortly comunista.En time was dismantled almost all of the insitu franquistas.El April 1 is dissolved the national movement, is a law of amnesty Produo and ratification x Spanish state in a series of international covenants on civil rights compliance, politicians and sindicales.Eleciones July 1977: The ucd got the win being the PSOE was invested presidente.Las the lines segundo.Suarez teachers were the development a constitution and an economic pact (Moncloa Pacts) After election-when the government began to worry x the economic crisis and proposed a political agreement and economic social q culminated in October of that year signed agreements provided Moncloa.Los Covenants act on four issues: economy, inflation, deteriorating external sector, unemployment and falling tax d inversión.Reforma introducing the IRPF key to welfare: according to income level people, you invest money highways, education ..
Constitucion 1978 x referendum approved November 20 and culminating in election-Rey 6 dic.dspues CAT Parliamentary Assembly was formed pa claim Catalan autonomy statute, Suarez invite the presidency president generous offer institucion.En d the Basque country around the president ceded Basque Assembly. Elec.1979: suarez summon UCD.suarez won election-q retrieves the presidency election-xa d gobierno.Abril there ayuntamientos.Tras crisis passed election-majority groups q dmostraron weakness partidos.Crisis just dl d system s produced 1981.Conflictos UCD 1980 after political failure of Andalucia and country vasco.23 q state in February 1981 coup was thwarted by the king, said Sotello esto.Sale bald chosen q q arises between OTAN.dimite Spain UCD.Octubre suarez left PSOE wins election-1982.
Franco: mov of reactions was carried out pa qs changes occurred in the blue sociendad.Etapa: 2 GM in Spain are kedo out civil war x q q dura.Etapa was predominant mu phalanx, dictatorship militar.La 1 Law “forum work “and prensa.Las Act dpues proposed new authorities to eradicate every vestige d dmocracia liberalism and repression remain implacable life costing 50,000 people interviewed guerra.Franco dspues hitler.En completed hendaya expressing its willingness to go to war if Germany offered some counterparts. Hcieron but not voluntarily submit to the blue division, compared ruso.Fue q epoca Falange think organizations to extend their power, union Org Spain compared youth, trade unions and university Spanish femenina.La secion pespectiva Cold War change the U.S. regarding españa.El anti-Franco Spain was well fitted bien.Aún outside the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of democratic Europe. These were years of isolation, the economy was very estancada.En toNos 40 and 50 Spain experienced an economic stagnation and a shortage of politics since autarquia económica.Año 43 that constitutes the Spanish Cortes (the same Franco). ideological project based on economic self-sufficiency and the subordination of the state economy. The grim economic policy coupled with the fallout resulting from the war orive hunger, poverty and diseases like tuberculosis.En many moments are obtained occurs argentina.S help strike in Barcelona 1951 x rise of tranvía.Consolidación ticket scheme: began with the law of succession as he defended Spain reino.Ley says ex-designate who would be the ruler or the king and was rejected by the manifest Juan Borbon Estoril.La referendum law passed in and don juan was attacking the rules q game consisting of a meeting with the dictator that his son Juan Carlos was educated under the tutelage of independence franco.1956 years marruecos.1957 q prepared government named another law principles of motion reaffirming the foundations antidemocr qOPUS dormer DEI.60: economically liberalizing the regime of the economy and there is a takeoff economía.Fuertes FOREIGNERS investments were rapidly industrializing “the Spanish miracle). were put in place development plans, and social change caused forming a new society was urban, industrial and consumista.Tardofranquismo: late 60’s ex was an elder of 70 years suffering from pakinson.El Admiral Carrero Blanco was appointed protagonismo.Franco acquiring Juan Carlos won the immobility sucesor.Politica española.Creciente society mobilization of demands of the new working class union committees directed x obreras.Asesinato Carrero Blanco assumed major blow to regimen.Franco appointed as President Arias Navarro initiated a program aperturista.Crecimiento ETA economic crisis , hard labor repression strikes 73 (oil crisis), when economic recession. Sahara.Franco Conflict dies nov 75.