The Treaty of Versailles: Unmet Expectations of the Big Three
Woodrow Wilson | 1) To punish Germany but not too harshly 2) International cooperation. In his 14th point he proposed the setting up of an international body called The League of Nations 3) To give self-determination to small countries that had once been part of European empires 4) Give Poland access to the sea | 1) Wilson agreed with the war guilt clause that made Germany responsible for the beginning of the war 2) Britain and France agreed on setting up the League of Nations 3) Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia became independent states. Wilson was also satisfied with the formation of Poland and Czechoslovakia 4) Poland was given Danzig’s port | 1) Wilson considered the punishment was too harsh 2) – 3) German colonies became mandates controlled by Britain and France |
Lloyd George | 1) To punish Germany but not too harshly 2) He wanted Germany to pay for reparations 3) He wanted Germany to lose its navy 4) He wanted the colonies divided between the winning powers 5) To make sure that the British Empire did not suffer as a result of the settlement | 1) Lloyd George agreed with Wilson and Clemenceau on the war guilt clause 3) The German navy was limited. No submarines were allowed and only 6 battleships. He gained security for his empire. 4) Britain could add land to its worldwide empire as the colonies were divided among the Allies. 5) The British Empire was enlarged by adding more colonies as mandates of the League | 1) Lloyd George considered the punishment was too harsh, particularly with the reparations 2) He disagreed with the amount of money to be paid in reparations as he considered it much higher than he expected. This could hinder Britain’s trade with Germany. He thought France was asking for too much and Wilson too little. |
Georges Clemenceau | 1) To gain revenge for the devastation of the 1st World War 2) To get back the region of Alsace-Lorraine 3) He wanted the control of the area of the Saarland 4) Separate Rhineland from the rest of Germany as it would form a barrier between the two countries 5) The control of German colonies 6) Cripple Germany as much as possible by breaking it into smaller pieces 7) Make Germany pay for reparations 8) Restrict German armed forces | 1) Germany was found completely responsible for the beginning of the war 2) France was given back the region of Alsace-Lorraine because Wilson and Lloyd George also agreed to it 3) France got control of the coal fields in the region of the Saarland. After 15 years there was going to be a plebiscite 4) The Big Three agreed on demilitarizing the zone. No German soldiers were allowed there and it was occupied by allied troops for 15 years. This way France gained security 5) German colonies were divided among the Allies and France could add land overseas 7) France was a major recipient of reparations 8) Germany’s armed forces were restricted in every aspect | 1) However, French people did not consider German punishment to be hard enough and did not consider France to be protected sufficiently 3) The control of the region was given to the League of Nations for 15 years. After this time there would be a plebiscite to decide if the region remained in the League of Nations or went to Germany or France 4) But the area was not separated from the rest of Germany. This means they abandoned the request of an independent Rhineland 6) France did not get to split Germany into many states as it went against the interests of Wilson and Lloyd George 7) Germany was forced to pay a total of 6,600 million pounds. However, he considered it was not enough and felt disappointed as reparations weren’t paid immediately 8) However, he still felt disappointed as the Treaty allowed 100,000 men in Germany’s army. He thought this still threatened France |