The Second Spanish Republic: From Monarchy to Turmoil

In 1931 municipal elections were held in Spain, where it was demonstrated that a large proportion of voters committed to a regime change. It was proclaimed a republic in many cities, and before that, Alfonso XIII gave up his power and went to lexili. In Madrid he proclamarla Second Spanish Republic.
In Catalonia, also won this regime change and defeated Republican Left of Catalonia. But Axon was a conflict with the Provisional Government of the Republic, as saying that Lester elsconceptes on decentralization should be established to Lester. So I was asked to submit the decision to the courts to change a regime dautonomia.La constitution of 1931 had a democratic, progressive and established these principles: Lestat is configured integral saccepta but the possibility of creating self-
government in some regions. Legislative power is vested in the courts, in government lexecutiu on iellegislatiu independent judges. It included a delcaració rights and freedoms and for the first time conceded that the suffrage to women, secularism and finally said Lester. But the constitution did not achieve consensus of all political forces. Because laprovació Duns article that referred to religion, Catholic politicians and Manuel Azaña resigned, he became the government and Niceto Alcalá Zamora president of the Republic. Then they formed many parties and unions. Training desquerra: Left Republican PSOE (notable influence on workers), Communist Party of Spain (PCE), ILA labor force more importantly, the CNT anarchist in nature, and had two lines dactuació; The trentistes were more moderate and the Iberian Anarchist Federation (IAF) which defended the road and armed insureccional. Training right: to stand centredreta Lerroux of the Radical Party and the Liberal Republican right. The great advantage of the conservative Catholic right was the Spanish Confederation of Autonomous derechas (CEDA), which defended the interests of large owners of land and lEsglèsia. Senior dambis Catalan: The League regionalist, right, accepted the new republican legality, but had much less support than before. In 1933 he changed the name in Catalan League. LEsquerra Republican Catalunya.Un was also the first goals of the republic was secularized society and limit the influence of Spanish lEsglèsia. It became the law of congregations, which put limits on ownership of property by religious communities. Many Catholics saw this as an assault on their convictions and were oposarse the Republic. Lactitud hostile people like Cardinal Segura dalgunes led the government opted for a strike and was expelled from the territory espanyol.El republican government was convinced of the need to transform lexércit dune.

Manuel Azaña, launched a reform aimed at creating a professional army and democratic. We reduce costs lexèrcit ero Axon was difficult modernization of the material. In addition, the reform was welcomed by some secotrs, as Africanists, as an attack on tradition militar.També was land reform. We wanted to end the dominance of large estates. Minimum wages were established in the field of labor joranada and 8h. It was hen law reform, with lagricultura to modernize and improve the social situation of the peasantry. But the law had no results, both positive and unexpected, and also created social tension. The great shi owners opposed, and part of the peasant uprisings in demand dun promoted more equitable distribution of property agrària.La constitution of 1931 provides a legal framework appropriate to grant status dautonomia. Catalonia was the first region and start the process, creating the Generalitat de Catalunya and approving lEstatut in 1932. In the Basque Country was also a statute but its arovació was delayed indefinitely. Galicia also tried but was not adopted because of Lescar Civil War.

Were also devoted to lensenyament. They wanted to promote a liberal and secular education and guarantee the right dStudent throughout the population. Thus, it created a lot of listening and teaching missions were called to rural students and teachers to teach. La Barraca in this project emphasizes the dissemination of socialist prime cultural.Lobjectiu Francisco Largo Caballero were the labor reforms. It passed the Employment Contracts Act, which governs the collective bargaining, the Act was to encourage jurors mixtos.Es laugment set wages and working week of 40 hours. The main task of the Generalitat of Catalonia was lelaboració dun Dautonomia statute that defined the amrc insitucional of lautonomia Catalan and competencies to take that direction. Thus, there was a meeting at the Sanctuary and created lEstatut Nuria, who delcarava official language, Catalan in Catalonia, the Generalitat, and you have assumed responsibility for the management of direct taxes. Lestatut was overwhelmingly approved and accepted. In 1931 Francesc Macia lEstatut presented in courts of Madrid that fot subjected to approval. Many were opposed because they felt endangered Lunita dEspanya. At the end there were 3 positions: the central government wanted to give autonomy to Catalonia moderate dune, the Catalans, who wanted a broad autonomy and right wing, who wanted Espanay unit. Finally in 1932 was approved lEstatut dAutonomia of Catalonia, which had some differences with lEstatut Nuria. Both Catalan and Spanish were the official languages, they cut the powers of the general …
Then an ESV hold elections to parliament of Catalonia, which came out victorious Republican Left. Francesc Macia was elected President of the Generalitat.