The Impact of the Haitian Revolution and Latin American Wars of Independence


Impact of the Haitian Revolution

Which of the following describes the social division of Saint-Domingue before the Haitian Revolution?

While most people were Africans, a small group of French aristocrats controlled the government.

Which of the following groups made up the largest portion of Saint-Domingue’s population before the Haitian Revolution?

African slaves

Which of the following groups controlled Saint-Domingue’s government before the Haitian Revolution?

French aristocrats

Which of the following describes the Haitian Revolution?

A revolt by African slaves in the Caribbean against French colonists

Which of the following groups launched a rebellion that would eventually become the Haitian Revolution?

African slaves in French territory

How did the French Revolution influence African slaves in France’s Caribbean colonies?

It inspired them to launch their own political revolution.

Why did Spanish and British forces get involved in the Haitian Revolution?

To try to capture Haitian territory

Which of the following explains one of the motivations behind Great Britain becoming involved in the Haitian Revolution?

It wanted to prevent slave revolts from spreading to its Caribbean colonies.

Which of the following describes a major motivation for Spanish involvement in the Haitian Revolution?

Spain hoped to seize valuable territory in Haiti.

Which of the following describes a similarity between affranchis and French aristocrats in Saint-Domingue?

Both groups were able to own land and African slaves.

Which of the following describes a difference between affranchis and French aristocrats in Saint-Domingue?

French aristocrats were given citizenship, while affranchis were not.

Which of the following describes a similarity between affranchis and African slaves in Saint-Domingue before the Haitian Revolution?

Both were denied political rights because of their race.

Read the following excerpt from Jean-Jacques Rousseau. What practice could someone from Saint-Domingue use these words to criticize?

That the children of slaves were enslaved as well

Read the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence:

Affranchis and African slaves rebelling against French rule in Saint-Domingue

Read the following quote from the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, written during the French Revolution:

They inspired Africans to rebel against Saint-Domingue’s unfair government.

Why did Haiti fail to thrive in the years after it won its independence?

Haiti remained deeply divided between different social classes.

How did European countries prevent Haiti’s success in the years after independence?

They cut off trade with the newly independent country.

Why did the affranchis and French aristocrats decide to leave Haiti after its independence?

They feared revenge from the newly freed slaves.

Why did the Spanish intervene in Haiti?

They wanted to control all of the island of Hispaniola.

Why did the British intervene in Haiti?

They were longtime enemies of the French.

Why did the Spanish and the British try to seize Saint-Domingue during the French Revolution?

Because the French were too busy with their own revolution to fight for their colony

How did the slave trade affect Saint-Domingue?

Many slaves were brought from Africa to Haiti to help grow sugarcane

Why was Saint-Domingue one of the richest colonies in the Caribbean?

It used slave labor to grow cash crops for the world market.

Which of the following best describes Saint-Domingue’s economy before the Haitian Revolution?

An agricultural economy that relied mostly on slave labor


Latin American Wars of Independence

Which of the following was one of the four main categories of race in Spanish colonial society?


In the Spanish colonial caste system, peninsulares were:

European colonists born in Spain.

Which of the following groups ranked highest in the Spanish colonial caste system?


Simón Bolívar was influenced by Enlightenment ideas regarding _____.

political freedom

Which of the following contributed to revolution in Spanish America?

The European intellectual movement called the Enlightenment

Which of the following Enlightenment ideas influenced the leaders of the Latin American wars of independence?

Leaders do not have the right to oppress their people.

How did the relationship between peninsulares and creoles contribute to the fight for independence in Spanish America?

They competed for special administration positions in the Americas, which caused friction between the groups and made them see themselves as having separate identities

Why did a rivalry develop between the creoles and the peninsulares before the wars for independence in Spanish America?

The Spanish government favored the peninsulares over the creoles, often rewarding them with powerful government positions.

How did the peninsulares’ view of themselves in relation to the creoles contribute to the independence movement?

Peninsulares believed themselves to be inherently superior to creoles because they were born in Europe, which caused friction between the two groups.

How did Napoleon’s conquest of Spain affect Spanish colonies in the Americas?

It demonstrated that power reverts to the people after a monarch is removed from power.

How did the American Revolution influence South Americans in the 18th and 19th centuries?

It proved that colonists in the Americas could win their independence from European kingdoms.

Which of the following events was motivated by Napoleon’s invasion of Spain in the early 1800s?

Revolts against Spanish rule broke out throughout the Americas.

How did Napoleon’s invasion of Portugal impact Portuguese colonies in the Americas?

It led Portuguese leaders to leave Europe and rule from the colony of Brazil.

How did the colony of Brazil change after Napoleon attacked Portugal?

It became the seat of power for the Portuguese monarchy.

How did Pedro I influence the Portuguese colony of Brazil?

He declared Brazil independent from Portugal.

Which statement describes a key difference between the American Revolution and the Mexican Revolution?

After the American Revolution, the United States achieved political stability. After the Mexican Revolution, Mexico suffered continued instability.

Which of the following describes a major similarity between the American Revolution and the Mexican Revolution?

Both saw colonies win their independence from European empires.

How did the Mexican Revolution differ from the American Revolution?

Only the Mexican Revolution eliminated Spanish colonial control over part of North America

Which statement describes a key similarity between Simón Bolívar and Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla?

Both led rebellions against Spanish colonial rule in American territories.

Which statement accurately describes a key difference between Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín?

San Martín led early revolts against Spanish rule in Peru, while Bolívar liberated the entire country.

Which statement describes a key difference between King Ferdinand VII of Spain and King John IV of Portugal?

Only John IV fled to the Americas after Napoleon attacked his country.

Which of the following leaders launched successful revolutions against Spanish rule in the northern regions of South America?

Simón Bolívar

Which of the following leaders launched successful revolutions against Spanish rule in the southern regions of South America?

José de San Martín

Which of the following leaders played a major role in liberating Mexico from Spanish rule?

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla


Impact of Abolitionism and Women’s Rights Movement

Which of these people formed the Anti-Slavery Society, a group that helped end slavery in the British Empire?

William Wilberforce

Which of these people was a former slave who became a leader of the abolitionist movement in the United States?

Frederick Douglass

Which of these people wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen, which argued that the principles of the Enlightenment should apply to women as well as men?

Olympe de Gouges

Which of the following hardships affected both women and former slaves in the 19th century?

They were given low wages.

What was one difference between the legal rights of slaves and the legal rights of women in the United States during the 19th century?

Women could be taught to read, but slaves could not.

Which of these restrictions contributed to excluding both women and slaves from civic participation in the 18th and 19th centuries?

Neither women nor slaves were encouraged to pursue an education.

Describe how the Industrial Revolution affected the role of women in the 19th century.

It offered women the opportunity to work outside the home.

Describe how women’s rights have improved since the 19th century.

In most societies, women now have a greater choice of careers.

Describe how the rights of women in the United States changed from the 19th to the 20th centuries.

Women in the 19th century could not vote, but women in the 20th century earned the right to vote.

Which of the following statements describes a similarity between the Enlightenment thinkers John Locke and the Marquis de Condorcet?

They both argued to improve the status of oppressed groups of people like slaves and women.

How did the ideas of the Enlightenment advance both the abolition movement and the women’s rights movement?

They caused people to consider how freedom and equality applied to slaves and women.

Both the abolition movement and the women’s rights movement were positively influenced by ideals promoted by which of the following groups?

Enlightenment thinkers

Charles H. Chapman, 1897

For which of the following women’s rights is the author in this excerpt arguing?


Thomas Wentworth Higginson, 1900

In this excerpt, the author argues against which of the following rights for women?

Working outside the home

E. Robinson, 1851

In this excerpt, the author argues for which for the following rights for women?


Which of the following ideals are reflected in this song excerpt?


Which of the following terms accurately describes the author of this excerpt?


Which of the following best explains how the situation described in this excerpt from a 1920 newspaper article came to be?

African slavery in the United States

How did Toussaint Louverture change his country’s government?

He led enslaved people to overthrow the colonialists and establish an independent country.

How did Frederick Douglass change his country’s government?

He worked with Abraham Lincoln on the issue of freeing slaves during the Civil War.

How did Mary Wollstonecraft influence societies and cultures around the world in the late 18th century?

She wrote one of the earliest texts promoting the ideals of feminism.

How did the Haitian Revolution affect other countries in the Americas?

It led people in other Western Hemisphere countries to rebel against their colonial rulers.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between colonization and slavery in the centuries following the 1500s?

As colonies grew, colonial powers increasingly relied on slaves for hard labor.

Which of these statements best describes a common pattern of change in several Latin American countries during the 19th century?

Colonists fought for and gained independence from their colonial rulers and within a century abolished slavery.


Impact of Nationalism and Total War

New ideas about natural rights, political equality, and representative government were developed during the ________.


Denmark ending its absolute monarchy and adopting a liberal constitution was a direct result of the ________.

revolutions of 1848

Which of the following events inspired nationalist feelings in European states fighting to resist domination by the French Empire?

Napoleonic Wars

Which of the following resulted from the Congress of Vienna?

Europe established a balance of power following the Napoleonic Wars.

Which of the following describes an important outcome of the Congress of Vienna?

European states had their borders clearly defined.

Which of the following describes a factor that motivated representatives from Europe’s major powers to meet at the Congress of Vienna?

A desire to prevent any single country from dominating Europe

Which of the following describes an important outcome of the revolutions of 1848?

Ideas of nationalism and popular sovereignty became more widespread throughout Europe.

The revolutions of 1848 were motivated by which of the following ideas?

The citizens of a country should be allowed to decide how that country is governed.

Which of the following accurately describes the outcome of the revolutions of 1848?

Though the revolutions failed to establish new governments, they helped spread ideas that inspired later revolutions.

Which of the following best describes the political changes that took place in Great Britain during the 19th century?

The British government gradually extended the right to vote to most men.

Which of the following best describes the British government during the 19th century?

A constitutional monarchy with elected officials holding most political power

How did Great Britain’s government change over the course of the 19th century?

Most men, regardless of their economic class, won the right to vote.

In what way were Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi comparable?

Both men promoted nationalism to unify small states into larger nation-states.

Which of the following contributed to national unification movements in both Italy and Germany?

Both movements were based on unifying groups with linguistic, cultural, and ethnic similarities.

Which of the following describes a factor that motivated 19th-century unification movements in both Germany and Italy?

The spread of nationalist ideas

Based on this map, which of the following cultures would most likely be dominant in the northern region of a unified German nation-state?

Prussian culture

Giuseppe Garibaldi united small independent states in which region?

Region A

Otto von Bismarck united small independent states in which region?

Region B

Why does Otto von Bismarck feel it was necessary to avoid doing great harm to Austria in its war against Prussia?

Damaging Austria too greatly would cause its leaders to join with Prussia’s other enemies.

Which argument is Otto von Bismarck making in this excerpt?

He is rejecting the idea that German Austria should be made a part of a future united Germany.

What does Otto von Bismarck think is the danger in making pieces of German Austria part of a unified Germany?

He thinks that Austria would resist unification and weaken a unified Germany.

What role did nationalism play in changing political ideologies in France?

Nationalism sparked political revolution that promoted liberal government.

Nationalism in France sparked political revolution that promoted ________.

liberal government

What idea led to political revolution and the promotion of liberal government in France?



World Wars and Totalitarianism

Which of the following was a defining characteristic of total war during both world wars?

The mobilization of entire populations for war efforts

Which strategy used during both world wars resulted in the mobilization of countries’ entire populations to support war efforts?

Total war

Why do historians consider both world wars to have been total wars?

They both mobilized entire populations in support of the war effort.

Which of the following conclusions is supported by the events of the Great Depression in the 1930s?

Countries’ economies became more interconnected following World War I.

Which of the following events demonstrated the increasing connectivity of world economies during the 20th century?

The international spread of the Great Depression

Which of the following best describes the impact of the Great Depression?

Economies around the world collapsed.

Which of the following is a major characteristic of fascism?

The belief that a country should aggressively expand its borders

Which of the following ideas is an important part of the fascist ideology?

A country should use its military to establish an empire.

Which of the following characteristics is a major part of the philosophy of fascism?

The idea that military conflict should be used to expand a country’s empire

Which of the following terms best describes the World War I-era poster seen below?


Which of the following best describes why the poster below would have been created during World War I?

To convince citizens to participate in a total war

Which of the following explains why a World War I-era poster such as the one below would have been produced?

To encourage citizens to support the war

Which of the following describes a difference between World War I and World War II?

World War II produced more dramatic historical changes.

Which of the following describes a similarity between World War I and World War II?

Both were total wars that involved countries’ entire populations.

How were World War I and World War II similar?

Both wars were fought across multiple continents.


Which of the following factors was not a major cause of World War I?

Growing feelings of loyalty to powerful empires rather than small nations

Which the following describes an important cause of World War I?

The competition between European powers to build the largest army and navy

Which of the following accurately explains one of the factors that contributed to World War I?

European countries entered into military alliances that required them to protect one another from attacks.

How was the United Kingdom’s role in the events leading to World War I different from that of Germany?

The United Kingdom was a member of the Triple Entente, while Germany was a member of the Triple Alliance.

How was Russia’s role in the events leading to World War I different from that of Austria-Hungary?

Russia was a member of the Triple Entente, while Austria-Hungary was a member of the Triple Alliance.

How was France’s role in the events leading to World War I different from that of Italy?

France was a member of the Triple Entente, while Italy was a member of the Triple Alliance.

Which of the following is an example of imperialism?

A country conquers its neighboring countries.

Which of the following is an example of militarism?

A country builds up its armed forces to enforce control over colonized territories.

Which of the following is an example of nationalism?

An activist organizes a protest of ethnic minorities in a country to demand that they be given their own country.

Which of the following is an example of trench warfare?

An army digs a long hole in the ground to protect territory.

Which event is an example of the alliance system?

One country attacks another because of a promise it made to a third country.

Which event is an example of total war?

A government urges the country’s factories to support a war effort and drafts citizens into the army.

Which of the following explains one of the reasons World War I was so much more destructive than earlier conflicts?

Armies used advanced weaponry developed during the Industrial Revolution.

Which of the following accurately describes the impact of technology on World War I?

It allowed individuals to kill huge groups of enemies faster than ever before.

How did advances in military technology contribute to the stalemate that developed in Europe during World War I?

Armies were unable to capture much territory, as it was defended by troops with machine guns.

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes most military actions during the early years of World War I?

Though huge numbers of people were killed, no country managed to conquer much territory.

Which of the following best summarizes the overall outcome of military conflict before the United States entered World War I?

Millions of people were killed despite very little European territory being gained or lost.

Which of the following summaries accurately describes the stalemate that developed during World War I?

Though little territory was ever gained, military leaders continued sending huge numbers of troops to attack enemy trenches.

Which of the following best describes Germany’s overall military strategy at the beginning of World War I?

It planned to rapidly conquer France, then send its troops east toward Russia.

Why was quickly defeating France a key element of Germany’s military strategy before World War I?

It needed to defeat France on the Western front before Russia could prepare to attack on the Eastern front.

How did industrial technology disrupt Germany’s military strategy early in World War I?

It allowed France and Russia to mobilize their militaries faster than Germany had thought possible.

How did World War I change after the United States became involved?

The war was a stalemate before the United States became involved. After the United States became involved, the balance tipped to the Allied powers.

How did Great Britain and Germany differ in their preferences regarding the role of the United States in World War I?

Germany wanted to keep the United States out of the war, while Great Britain wanted the United States to join it.

Which of the following describes a difference between German and British foreign policy toward the United States during World War I?

Great Britain tried to convince the United States to join the war, while Germany worked to keep it out of the war.