The Generation of ’27: A Golden Age of Spanish Poetry


Distinguishing Features:

  • Search for musicality and artistic perfection.
  • Use of prose-verse and abundant rhetorical figures.
  • Full of sensuality and colorful descriptions.
  • Escapism.
  • Rebellion against bourgeois society.


Rubén Darío:

  • Musicality and preciousness.
  • Key works: Azul, Profane Prose, Songs of Life and Hope.

Juan Ramón Jiménez:

  • Search for absolute beauty.
  • Three stages in his work:
    • Modernist poetry: Gardens Far, Sad Arias.
    • Pure poetry: Diary of a Newly Married Poet.
    • Poetry of sufficient knowledge: Animal Background, God Desired and Desiring.

Manuel Machado:

  • Decadence and the influence of flamenco.
  • Key work: Soul, The Bad Poem.


  • Humor and mystery.
  • Key work: Lyrics.


Rubén Darío:

  • Key work: Legends of Azul.

Ramón del Valle-Inclán:

  • Affairs, irony.
  • Key works: Sonatas and Tirano Banderas.


Ramón del Valle-Inclán:

  • Mythical world, Galician environment.
  • Key work: Eagle Blasón.

Generation of ’98


Antonio Machado:

  • “Careful simplicity.”
  • Key works: Solitudes and Campos de Castilla.


Miguel de Unamuno:

  • Key works: The Nivola, Niebla.


  • Mixture of novels and essays.
  • Key work: Castilla.

Pío Baroja:

  • The open novel.
  • Key works: The Tree of Knowledge and Zalacaín, the Adventurer.


Ramón del Valle-Inclán:

  • Key works: The Scarecrow, Divinas Palabras and Luces de Bohemia.

Generation of ’27

The Generation of ’27 is considered one of the most important groups of poets in the history of 20th-century Spanish poetry. This group of writers emerged in the 1920s, rejecting the prevailing poetic trends and seeking to modernize Spanish poetry.


The Generation of ’27 represents a synthesis between the main innovations of the European avant-garde and the poetic tradition of Spanish literature.

Origin of the Term:

The term “Generation of ’27” emerged from a cultural event held in 1927 to honor Luis de Góngora, a 17th-century Spanish poet whom they saw as an example of “art for art’s sake.”


Some of the most prominent members of the Generation of ’27 include:

  • Pedro Salinas
  • Jorge Guillén
  • Gerardo Diego
  • Dámaso Alonso
  • Vicente Aleixandre
  • Federico García Lorca
  • Rafael Alberti
  • Luis Cernuda

Cultural Context:

The Generation of ’27 emerged in a very favorable cultural context, influenced by several factors:

  1. Influence of the poetics of the previous generation (e.g., Juan Ramón Jiménez).
  2. Dissemination of European avant-garde movements in Spain.
  3. Coexistence in student residences and cultural centers, which allowed them to forge friendships and exchange ideas.
  4. Proliferation of literary magazines.


The Generation of ’27 was influenced by a variety of literary movements and styles, including:

  • Pure poetry
  • Avant-garde movements (e.g., Surrealism, Futurism)
  • Baroque poetry
  • Folk poetry

One of the hallmarks of the Generation of ’27 was their ability to merge the new with the old, combining avant-garde experimentation with a deep respect for Spanish literary tradition.


three periods: youth 1.etapa: humanizada/2.etapa pure poetry of poetry: politico/3.exilio Rehumanize and commitment during the frankismo