The Generation of ’27: A Golden Age of Spanish Poetry
Distinguishing Features:
- Search for musicality and artistic perfection.
- Use of prose-verse and abundant rhetorical figures.
- Full of sensuality and colorful descriptions.
- Escapism.
- Rebellion against bourgeois society.
Rubén Darío:
- Musicality and preciousness.
- Key works: Azul, Profane Prose, Songs of Life and Hope.
Juan Ramón Jiménez:
- Search for absolute beauty.
- Three stages in his work:
- Modernist poetry: Gardens Far, Sad Arias.
- Pure poetry: Diary of a Newly Married Poet.
- Poetry of sufficient knowledge: Animal Background, God Desired and Desiring.
Manuel Machado:
- Decadence and the influence of flamenco.
- Key work: Soul, The Bad Poem.
- Humor and mystery.
- Key work: Lyrics.
Rubén Darío:
- Key work: Legends of Azul.
Ramón del Valle-Inclán:
- Affairs, irony.
- Key works: Sonatas and Tirano Banderas.
Ramón del Valle-Inclán:
- Mythical world, Galician environment.
- Key work: Eagle Blasón.
Generation of ’98
Antonio Machado:
- “Careful simplicity.”
- Key works: Solitudes and Campos de Castilla.
Miguel de Unamuno:
- Key works: The Nivola, Niebla.
- Mixture of novels and essays.
- Key work: Castilla.
Pío Baroja:
- The open novel.
- Key works: The Tree of Knowledge and Zalacaín, the Adventurer.
Ramón del Valle-Inclán:
- Key works: The Scarecrow, Divinas Palabras and Luces de Bohemia.
Generation of ’27
The Generation of ’27 is considered one of the most important groups of poets in the history of 20th-century Spanish poetry. This group of writers emerged in the 1920s, rejecting the prevailing poetic trends and seeking to modernize Spanish poetry.
The Generation of ’27 represents a synthesis between the main innovations of the European avant-garde and the poetic tradition of Spanish literature.
Origin of the Term:
The term “Generation of ’27” emerged from a cultural event held in 1927 to honor Luis de Góngora, a 17th-century Spanish poet whom they saw as an example of “art for art’s sake.”
Some of the most prominent members of the Generation of ’27 include:
- Pedro Salinas
- Jorge Guillén
- Gerardo Diego
- Dámaso Alonso
- Vicente Aleixandre
- Federico García Lorca
- Rafael Alberti
- Luis Cernuda
Cultural Context:
The Generation of ’27 emerged in a very favorable cultural context, influenced by several factors:
- Influence of the poetics of the previous generation (e.g., Juan Ramón Jiménez).
- Dissemination of European avant-garde movements in Spain.
- Coexistence in student residences and cultural centers, which allowed them to forge friendships and exchange ideas.
- Proliferation of literary magazines.
The Generation of ’27 was influenced by a variety of literary movements and styles, including:
- Pure poetry
- Avant-garde movements (e.g., Surrealism, Futurism)
- Baroque poetry
- Folk poetry
One of the hallmarks of the Generation of ’27 was their ability to merge the new with the old, combining avant-garde experimentation with a deep respect for Spanish literary tradition.
three periods: youth 1.etapa: humanizada/2.etapa pure poetry of poetry: politico/3.exilio Rehumanize and commitment during the frankismo