The Foundation: A Captive Mind’s Journey to Truth

The foundation

1-The dramatic action, is proposed as the gradual discovery of the truth that we perceive through the central character. Prncipio goes to a comfortable room in an elegant foundation that is progressively becoming a dreary jail cell in an unknown country in which they live five men sentenced to death for political reasons. This transformation is done through Thomas. It begins in media res. Thomas characters, Lino, Tulio, Asel and Max share a room at a foundation. Thomas, the protagonist, is what leads us to know reality. Thomas had shielded in his mind not to see reality. He had betrayed his fellow prisoners. Helped by finally achieved them back to reality. At the end of the work colleagues who are in the cell planning their escape, but the plans were obscured. During the first part consists of the progressive collapse of the world invented by Thomas and his real-world situation. There are several moments of tension among the prisoners. We also emphasize the role of certain stylistic elements such as the music of William Tell by Rossini that sounds at the beginning and end of the play.

2-Approach, middle and end:

The approach is slow. The book starts with a long dimension in which explains that stamos breasts in a residence with furniture simple, but tasteful, with 5 cozy armchairs, a window from which you can see a beautiful landscape and the emergence of Thomas, a character of 25 years of Rossini’s music sounds. Thomas does several things. Thomas in his madness, he believes that the partner is still alive and that his girlfriend lives in another wing Berta Foundation. At the beginning of the work, Asel has for some time acting as the doctor who is not, but Tom needs. There are also other characters who share a room with him and some managers. This first scene, in a way consistent with the approach. Node: on the stage II, the first part, and continue to receive the knot. The most important part of this scene is the manager Descubrimerlo by the dead man. In Scene I of Part Two, so do several things. Tom begins to see things differently. Very important is the output of July for its implementation. Thomas speaks with Bert, but realizes that it has entered the doors were locked. In Scene II of Part Two, we know that several things had gone. All that remains of the imagination of Thomas is the curtain. Other colleagues suspect that Max is a confidant of the guards. Lino asasinar meanwhile decides to Max for having betrayed. Outcome: After the suicide of Asel and that pulls down the banister Lino Max, enter the beginning of the end of the work. There are only Lino and Thomas on the scene. The play ends on the same terms it has started.

3-dramatic techniques and resources, “Structure: a) External structure. The foundation sinuses presented as a fable in two parts, provides an allegory and a symbolic approach to human life. Four tables integrate these two parts. B) Internal structure is circular. It starts with a situation that becomes. -Staging: We must emphasize the role of music Rossini’s William Tell that sounds at the beginning and end of the play, the music of Rossini’s original, and painting pictures.Main-stage techniques: – The effect of immersion. The author requires an indirect way the reader to identify with the protagonist. – The beginning of the action in medias res. – An open ending leaves the reader to choose their own ending. “The stage: The long dimensions that we make with great care all the elements with a mutation have to drag the viewer into the end of it.

4-Analysis of the characters:-Thomas:
The main character of the work. It appears as a cheerful person and always sociable with others. He lives in an unreal world that only he can see. His madness was born as an alibi to fear about the situation and shame of being weak and betraying his comrades. Thomas is the most striking. -Tulio: From the beginning is very distant with Thomas. In most cases, he laughs and tries to tease. “Berta: It is the bride of Thomas. We have the impression that this character exists only in your imagination. It’s kind of Dulcinea. “Man, was already dead before the start of the work. In fact it takes six days and died. “Asel: It appears as the most intelligent and cautious of the group. Thomas focuses on and tries to regain sanity. -Lino: A character without much tact and very impulsive. Thomas tries to tell the truth, but violent. -Max: It’s a traitor. He had betrayed the plans of Asel. It has about thirty-five years.

5-Plot and themes


Tom is a political prisoner sentenced to death by a totalitarian regime that shares with four fellow inmates awaiting execution. Having been arrested under torture and betrayed the downfall and conviction of key members of your organization. He wanted to commit suicide and has fallen into a esquizofremia. In his hallucination believed to reside in a modern foundation. All these aspects of the argument are almost entirely unknown to the public until near the end of the work. The plot of the book follows a different path. Continue to play the young involuntarily imposed. Topics: As the main topic could highlight the search for truth and fight for freedom, absolute freedom and therefore there will always be a prison, a limitation. As a sub in this aspect could emphasize a desire to overcome the power of oppression or prison conditions after the Civil War. Other topics are as torture, political persecution and accusations.

6-Place and time in the Foundation:

The scene, although varying in their gradual conversion setting in jail cell, it is always the same, so we have unity of place. As regards the time, we emphasize the time it takes the work for which there is no evidence completely accurate, but in any case each of the four quarters or squares into which runs smoothly, without jumping intense chronological and the drama is described in a few days. As for the time when the work was written by the author, we know that this book was written Buero in the early seventies at the end of the dictatorship of Franco.