The First Spanish Republic: A Turbulent Era of Political and Social Change

The First Spanish Republic (1873-1874)

A Period of Instability and Transformation

The First Spanish Republic emerged from the abdication of King Amadeo I in February 1873. This period was marked by political instability, social unrest, and a struggle to define the nature of the Republic.

1. An Uncertain Start: Federalists and Radicals

The first government, led by Estanislao Figueras, consisted of a coalition of federalist Republicans and moderate monarchists. However, this alliance was short-lived, and a purely Republican government was formed in February 1873.

2. The Federal Republic and its Challenges

In June 1873, under the leadership of Pi y Margall, Spain was officially declared a Federal Republic. The government faced numerous challenges, including:

  • The ongoing Third Carlist War
  • The Cuban War of Independence
  • The Cantonalist movement, with regions declaring autonomy or independence

Pi y Margall’s inability to quell the Cantonalist uprisings led to his resignation and replacement by Nicolás Salmerón, who took a more forceful approach.

3. The Shift towards Unitarism

Emilio Castelar assumed the presidency in September 1873 and pursued a policy of centralized government and social conservatism. However, his lack of parliamentary support led to his downfall in January 1874.

4. The Republic of Serrano and the Bourbon Restoration

General Francisco Serrano formed a new government, but it was unable to stabilize the situation. On December 29, 1874, General Martínez Campos proclaimed Alfonso XII as King, marking the end of the First Republic and the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy.

Key Figures:

  • Estanislao Figueras
  • Francisco Pi y Margall
  • Nicolás Salmerón
  • Emilio Castelar
  • Francisco Serrano
  • General Martínez Campos


The First Spanish Republic, though brief, was a significant period of experimentation with republicanism and federalism. It highlighted the deep divisions within Spanish society and the challenges of establishing a stable democratic system.