The Dionysian tragic art (notion)
Artist tragic. For Nietzsche the reality is vital, therefore, life becomesĀ
the object of his philosophy and the source from which arises all the concrete and changing, it is
say, the real. If reality is pure becoming, can not grasp the concept, but
metaphor, since this does not provide an unambiguous meaning (objectivity) but accepts
plurality and subjectivity of the same (outlook). Therefore, art for Nietzsche
is the only appropriate tool for understanding life, it asserts the multiplicity and
subjectivity of reality (becoming) using metaphor and not the concept. Nietzsche
considers the tragedy is the highest form of art, as it coincides with art
Dionysian, that is, the affirmation of reality and of man himself as they are. The
Dionysian tragic artist is not intended as targets or sources outside of this world
but reality says, life as we appear, even in its most
puzzling and irrational, terrible and painful.
The tragic artist, selecting and editing the reality, not hidden or denied, is accepted
and assumed but embellishing (Apollonian-Dionysian dialectic). This acceptance of
life in all its fullness makes the tragic artist in the true “philosopher.” The
philosophy is for Nietzsche the tragic vision of life, and he who accepts such
as you can turn your life into a work of art, which is all that Nietzsche
gives real value and meaning to human existence. Therefore, the tragic artist
the paradigm of human beings, above the saint, the philosopher or scientist.
Concepts supreme. An expression that refers to the rational categories that
dogmatic philosophers have used to refer to the “true” reality of the world
intelligible. These concepts seek to designate the characteristics of this’ world
true ‘: being, substance, unity, identity, cause … But for Nietzsche this
“Highest concepts” do not refer to anything real, but are terms that makes our
reason to refer to a world invented by our jealousy and cowardice in the face of reality
of becoming, which can not be characterized by those concepts, but through
sensible intuitions that adequately capture the sensible reality.
Decadence (life descending). For Nietzsche the man of Western culture from
Socrates defended values antithetical to life, and believed in an objective world,
true, immutable, rational underpinning these values. The “decadent life ‘is
life of those who believe in those values over the values of the land, becoming,
and based on a “real world” invented in opposition to the real world
becoming. Everything is decadent opposes exist values and instinctual
Biological: “Being in the need to fight the instincts-hence the formula
decadence [decay] “(Twilight of the Idols). “Philosophy, religion and morality are
symptoms of decay “(Posthumous Fragments).
Dehistoricize. Process by which the followers of the dogmatic philosophers philosophy
Parmenidean-Platonic eliminate the dynamic nature of reality. History should not
understood here as a science or as the succession of events to humans,
but in a broader sense, and the continuing evolution of the real. To say that being is
history or history is another way of saying that it is becoming. Therefore, to assert that
reality is immutable, identical to itself (being Parmenidean, the Platonic Ideas
Cartesian or substances) and that what changes is only an appearance, philosophers
dogmatists have “dehistoricized” reality. But, because they act with prejudice
that the real is unchanging, they believe that the “dehistoricize” are giving somewhat
“Honor” in the actual framing. Think they are doing something positive.
Becoming. Term that designates the process of being or being as a process, and
includes all types of change: movement, change, generation, corruption …
From Greek philosophy to speak of being as ‘becoming’ opposition to the mark
conception of being as being “static.” It is generally considered the philosophies of Heraclitus
and Parmenides as representing the first and second places respectively. The
affirmation of becoming, of being mutable, is identified with a dynamic conception of
Actually, the only conception that, according to Nietzsche, takes its true nature
“Historical.” So in paragraph 2 of the text read: “I put to one side, with great
reverence, the name of Heraclitus. ” Nietzsche frames the other authors in
Parmenides heirs.
Dionysian / Apollonian. Terms introduced by Nietzsche in The Birth of
tragedy with initially characterized the artistic expressions: the Apollonian (which
modeled the god Apollo) represent the ideal of beauty and forms
finished, measure, order, the Dionysian (modeled on the god Dionysus)
represent the excess, clutter, unfinished, representing the values of
land, the characteristics of life. Both need each other and poles
mutually stimulating: the extent and excess are the essence of all art. In
clash between the two victorious, and its ultimate expression is the tragedy
But this unit will Apollonian-Dionysian truncated from Socrates. The
dissociation of these values is the basis of Western culture and involves
subjugation of life to a reason beyond her; of the Dionysian (life) to the Apollonian
(Reason), leading to the dissolution of both ultimately.
These two concepts are also the two trends in living beings
human. But only those who know aunarlas, achieved in its artistic dimension
life, reaching beyond good and evil. Thus the aesthetic reflection appears
as a model of philosophical reflection.
Egipticismo. Metaphorical image with which Nietzsche sets the trend
remain static, timelessness, the petrification of dogmatic philosophy
traditional, ie their tendency to deny the main feature of reality: to be becoming.
Use this image because the human representation in Egyptian sculpture and painting
characterized by the “hieratic” lack of expression and movement to accentuate the
Solemnity of the image. With this resource Egyptian art desired shape eternity
and immortality of the soul of the deceased.
Concepts and supreme god concept (notion)
Man has built a dome on conceptual foundations infinitely complex phones like moving water. The construction is like a spider web thin to be carried by the waves, not to be consistent dispersed by the wind. The man is architecturally far above the bee, it uses the wax found in nature, man must use concepts, which previously has to make himself.
Every word becomes a concept from the moment it ceases to be used for the original experience, unique and individual, which owes its origin. It is intended that the concept serves to express or signify a multiplicity of individual realities are never identical. For example, the term sheet has been formed arbitrarily ignoring individual differences. Thus arises the idea of leaf as if nature had something out of the leaves.
The truth then is nothing but a set of generalizations, hopes that the use and custom have been imposing and whose nature we have forgotten. “Metaphors and forgotten that they have lost significant strength, coins which have lost their image and now come into consideration as metal, not coins.”
Against petrification that the fate suffered by being set in a category or a concept that makes custom immutable, Nietzsche exalts the power of metaphorical imagination. The metaphor integrates a diversity without dogmatism because it keeps open to reality, and it is simplistic as is the conceptual model. The metaphor is a mask or filter that allows us to see the world in a certain way, deleted a few facts and highlights others. The dogmatic philosopher is confused with the face mask and uses the concept that simplifies and blocks the vision of becoming reality.
Thanks to the abstraction is as a man can stand up to drag him from becoming intuition intuition without chance of survival. Abstraction allows you to create a pyramid order, a new world of laws, privileges, subordination and above limits, world totally opposed to the primitive world of the first insights.
The forgetting of the metaphorical nature of the concept is to cut the essence of things. The Western tradition has meant that the concept does not arbitrarily cut the joints of reality, by contrast argues that the ways in which reality is distributed exactly correspond to our concepts. So the reality is as we think. Nietzsche denies that the concepts apprehend the true reality of being, which is becoming and change. Through the words and concepts not penetrate never reach the fabulous origin of things. There is the truth if possible an accurate perception, but this is impossible. Behavior is possible only known creative aesthetic and ephemeral.
The problem of truth takes on a different meaning now. It is important to know whether a trial is false, but it serves to promote and sustain life. Maintains and promotes If it does not matter its not true. Placed beyond good and evil is the way the will to power, or the expression of the will to power. The will to power is the will of appearance, even delusion. This desire is deeper, more metaphysical than the will to truth that prevailed under the reign of the supersensible world. Is deeper because it knows the true reality of being that is the future and know that human reason can never comprehend or simplify their categories.
The will to truth is to use the usual truth or lie under the customary beliefs, social style as compulsory for everyone. The truth is that we have been fishing with our concepts and categories to the becoming of being. This is just a perspective that has been imposed by custom, but was nonetheless be a mistake.
Idiosyncrasy. The character, individuality, and distinctive characteristics
define anything. Nietzsche uses this term to refer to
defining characteristics of dogmatic philosophers, traditional, the ‘platonic’
peculiarities that is reeling over this chapter of Twilight of the Idols
Conceptual mummies. This metaphor should be understood in the context of paragraph l.
According to Nietzsche, the concepts that have been used to refer dogmatic philosophers
the “true” reality (unique, eternal and immutable) invented for the reason, are
concepts hollow, empty, do not contain nothing alive, nothing real (as the mummies).
By Egyptian mummification intended to preserve the body so that his soul
could continue to exist and could revive the bandaged body in the future. But
that body is real only in appearance, as is apparently only real content
the concepts of dogmatic philosophy. For Nietzsche, the concept is grave
intuitions: the concept mummify thinking and reality, so this author claims
move the reason and its corollary, the concept, to the intuition and
necessary creation, metaphor.
Nietzsche’s critique of the philosophers. (Item)
Western European civilization is in continuous decline, due to the failure to establish the reason above all things. This is a dogmatic society opposes the instinctive life and trying to impose rationality at all costs. Thus, Nietzsche prototype takes as perfect man to man of Greek tragedy. This is because it believes that achieves the perfect synthesis between the Apollonian, that is, everything related to the order and the Dionysian, that is, all matters relating to the irrationality and instincts. The Apollo is in the service of the Dionysian and there is a perfect correlation was postponed at the Dionysian Apollonian in culture of the West This is perfect synthesis was breaking over the history and society is being plunged into increasingly decadent . The first step in the process they gave Socrates and Plato, to start talking about moral and creating the absolute spirit. With them break the synthesis. They propose the practice of virtue, order and mastery of the passions to achieve happiness. This is, for Nietzsche the first step towards the decline and is the first error to be eliminated with the advent of Christianity imposes a morality that comes from God, not of life. Christianity is the most palpable expression of hatred and of feeling towards life, and they are good at predicting the poor and humble, and the rich and powerful are curse. Later, with illustration, starts the death of God. however, this situation was not exploited to create a new table of values and not done, it continued to control the instincts from the power of scientific reason and utilitarian. So God changed by the state and scientific reason
The senses and body. (Notion)
Today we have science to the extent that we decided to take the testimony of the senses, “in which we have learned to follow sharp, arming them, think them through. The rest is still an abortion and science: I mean metaphysics, theology, psychology, theory of knowledge. Or formal science, theory of signs: like logic, and that logic applied mathematics. In reality they do not ever appears, even as a problem, and also the question of what value is generally the convention of signs is logic.
So this is our only world, and every trip to another world is a loss of reality. Therefore, we must remain faithful to the land.
At one time the offense against God was the ultimate crime, but God has died and with him those criminals have been killed. Now is the most horrible conspiracy against the earth and appreciate the inscrutable depths of more than the sense that one!.
At one time the body the soul looked contemptuously, and then that contempt was the highest: the soul wished the body lean, ugly, hungry. So thought slip body and the earth.
Faced with the previous philosophical tradition, to Nietzsche’s appearance is not the manifestation, the phenomenon of a thing in itself. It is, rather, the only reality. And there is no immutable and pure substrate arising becoming and change things. There is, therefore, opposition between “appearance” and “reality”, the appearance is reality that is opposed to its conversion into an imaginary world. It is the world WILL POWER to the world of logic. However, the possibility of communication impose, in the multiplicity of reality, something has to be fixed, frozen, distorted, to be recognized and shared by others. Born and false concepts Platonic opposition between appearance and reality, false sensory world of ideas and real world.
Nietzsche is the philosopher who has taken further vindication of life and embodiment, the area where there are death, change, aging, as well as procreation and growth, thus overcoming Platonism. Nietzsche explains the emergence of Platonism that this attitude is showing interest and consequence of non-acceptance of reality in all its harshness, the reality as a place that gives life order, but also death, chaos .. .; Western culture invents a world (thank God objectified in Christianity) to find comfort with how terrible the only existing world, the Dionysian. Nietzsche’s philosophy is the most radical attempt in the history of thought to overcome Platonism and argue the opposite: the existence of an irrational world and devoid of transcendent meaning of life.