Tapeworms: Morphology, Transmission, and Treatment
Body flattened dorsoventrally, variable, no body cavity present, have no digestive system, nutrition is effected by osmosis, hermaphrodite, reproduce by eggs, it is known by the name of Tapeworms
Scolex, Suction cups (4), Botri (2), rostellum: fixed or retractable crown of hooks, F (x): Setting, strobile Generation, proglotids (immature, mature, serious) (x): Reproduction.
(Taenia solium, Cysticercus cellulosae) The taeniosis and cysticercosis is a serious public health problem especially in countries of America Latina. Its presence is associated with traditional practices of pig husbandry, poor sanitation and hygiene, poverty. Mexico and Brazil are the countries that record the highest frequencies. In Chile, its frequency is low and associated with the rural sector.
Human infection produced by Taenia solium and transmission required for its consumption of pork this celullosae Cysticercus larva.
Infection produced by consumption of eggs of Taenia solium. Accidentally can affect human beings.
Taenia solium: Eggs, Round, Double membrane radiated in hexacanto Embryo interior. The pig eats feces is Coprofago, swallowed proglotids taxed eliminated in the stool of infected HD and massively. After gastric juices act on the corona radiata hexacanto freeing the embryo, it penetrates the intestinal villi to reach the circulation and reaches the muscles. The larva is inserted outside the muscle fiber becomes a small vesicle, to move to a small grain of rice, larval development and penetrates cellulasae = Cysticercus invaginated scolex after eating undercooked beef or pork sausages eaten the SH vesiculas. In 25% of cases they are emptied from the gravid proglotids the intestinal lumen and in the remaining 75% are removed within of gravid proglotids arising from the strobile, and are dragged outside of the individual with bowel infected.
Morphology: Cystic and nodular (solitary or multiple) corticomeningeal location, parenchymal and ventricular. Racemosa: subarachnoid space, cerebral cisterns and brain basis. Expansive growth.
Clinic (No., place and toxic action) convulsive seizures (seizure type) > 20 years. Hipertensiva: hypertension, severe headache, vomiting. Insanity: Mental confusion, dementia, hallucinations. Pseudotumoral: symptoms of tumor.
Lumbar puncture: eosinophils, ELISA: serum and CSF. Complementary examinations Image: X-ray skull, CT and MRI.
Corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, Pest and Surgery.
Prophylaxis of human cysticercosis:
Proper disposal of human excreta to avoid defecation. Wash before and after using the bathroom. Avoid exposure to food delivery, use of insecticides, Wash fruits and vegetables under running water supply, sewerage and sanitation, pig sties Foster closed.
Acquired by Carnivore, pork consumption submitting the cysticercus larva celullosae.
Acquired by fecal egg consumption of Taenia solium.
Human Teniosis:
General Symptoms: headaches, listlessness, emaciation, changes in appetite. Symptoms Nervous: alteration of the character, allergic symptoms: nasal itching and urticarial reactions. Gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea, vomiting, colicky abdominal pain.
Praziquantel and Niclosamide.
Telemann (PSD), in search of eggs and gravid proglotids. Diagnostic certainty: proglottid pregnant with fewer than 12 branches or find scolex morphology corresponding to T. solium.
The individual rate: consumption of pork or cooked sausages (about 600 C). The collective nature: Proper disposal of human excreta to prevent defecation, rearing pigs in sties closed. Cysticercosis! Slaughtering of pigs in slaughterhouses under veterinary supervision of meat slaughtered.
Human infection caused by accidental consumption of eggs of T. solium through three mechanisms. If SH is not parasitized by T. Solium: Consumption of T solium eggs in food, water as well as participation of vectors. If SH is parasitized by T. solium: exogenous Autoinfection: cycle-year-man or mouth. Autoinfection endogenous: antiperistalsis.
Location and Symptoms:
Subcutaneous tissue: lymph upraised, uninflamed soft and painless. Eyeballs: preferably in the retina (blindness uniocular and pulled off) and vitreous (inflammatory reaction and temporary loss of vision). CNS or Neurocysticercosis: Headache intense.