
Explain the significance and key people or parties involved/impacted:

  1. 4 Main Causes of WWI
    Nationalism- Pride of one’s national identity. Cultures wanted to develop without foreign interference.Imperialism- Colonies are turned into “empires”. Competition between nations.Militarism- The development of stronger forces against competitors.Alliances- Triple Entente- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.Triple Alliance- Britain, France and Russia.

Why did the US join the War?

Violation of the “Sussex Pledge”

 -US threatens Germany if the attacks do not stop.

-1916: Violate Pledge.

Sinking the British Passenger Seat “Lusitania”

-128 Americans are killed.

-Why: British Carrying War supplies.

The “Zimmerman Note”
-German ambassador writes note to Mexico

-Escalate conflict w/ Europe to keep them out of Europe.

-Germany wins and returns territory to Mexico.

  1. 14 Point Plan and the Treaty of Versailles

The Fourteen point Plan was made by Wilson before war in 1918 in order to maintain peace. It was divided between  3 points:

First 5: War prevention

Next 8: “self-determination”. Nations should not be ruled by outside groups.

Last: “League of Nations” discussing struggles throughout nations’ meeting without resorting to war.

The Treaty of Versailles: June 28, 1919 Wilson invited Britain, France, United States and Italy, Germany was not invited  to sign a series of compromises to end the War. It must be approved by the Senate.

  1.  Who’s all involved and the impact of the Sinking of the Lusitania
    A German U-Boat killed 1200 passengers including 120 Americans. Germany ended submarine warfare.

  2. Describe the new realities of war for WWI
    Lice, polluted water, dysentery. Poison gas and decaying bodies smell. Toes started to root and gums/mouths were severely infected. Food administration was asked to get food for soldiers and women were doing “men’s work”.

  1. Compare and Contrast War Measures (Selective Service Act, War Industries Board, war bonds, Sedition Act, Committee of Public Information)
    The Selective Service Act is a calling for volunteers for soldiers to be sent to Europe.

War industries Board: Mass production would increase efficiency. 

War Bonds: Borrowing money and repaying to citizens.

Sedition Act: Disloyalty to the USA during the war period was considered a crime.
Committee of Public information: Propaganda agency that influenced people’s opinion.

  1. Significance of Sacco and Vanzetti
    They both were Italian Anarchists who were convicted and executed for murder despite little evidence against them.

  2. Who are radical immigrants
    People who want to make extreme changes.

  3. 1920 controversies (consumer buying practices, women in manufacturing)
    Women had important influence regarding industrial production and were rewarded with the 19th Amendment. Demand for raw materials, consumerism was low bc most people had no income.

  4. Compare and Contrast:  (League of Nations, Kellogg-Briand Pact, the Washington Naval Conference)
    League of Nations: Make conferences without resorting to war.

Kellogg-Briand Pact: Outlaw war.

Washington Naval conference: Reduce Navies.

  1. Describe the impact of  Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. DuBois, Booker T. Washington 

    Marcus Garvey: Founder of “Back to Africa” who promoted black pride.What was The Harlem Renaissance

Development and impact of jazz through the work of racial and economic philosophies.

  1. What happened in Hollywood

    Many movies featured women during wartime serving, and in general they gave us pieces of theatre that we could conventionaly use nowadays to get a perspective of the living during war.

  2. What brought about “The Prohibition’ and what did it cause?
    To restore religious ideas. Meaning that it was unpatriotic to use wheat, corn and alcohol when soldiers could consume those oversea.

DuBois: A black activist who worked as a writer, sociologist and teacher whose work is currently considered a must in African American studies.

Booker T. Washington: American educator born into Slavery who was an intellectual of the 19th century.

  1. Describe the Long term effects of the Great Depression, shantytowns, the Dust Bowl
    Great depression: Unemployment and homelesness, international trade collapsed.

Shantytown: A deprived area of a town consisting of a large number of dwellings.

Dust Bowl: drought-stricken southern plains that suffered from storms.

  1. What were the major new gov’t programs from the NEW DEAL

    Agricultural adjustment administration- Restored agricultural prosperity during the great depression.

Civilian conservation corps- Relieved unemployment by providing national conservatism.

National Recovery Administration: Stimulated business recovery through fair practice.

Public Works Administration- Increased purchasing power and reduced unemployment through construction of highways.

  1. Describe what caused WWII
    -Treaty of versailles.

-Rise of italian fascism.

-Hitler and Nazi party.




-U.S Isolationism.

  1. Why did the US join the war?
    In order to fight against the Japanese empire due to previous attacks at Pearl Harbor that was made because of the provocations by the United States.

  2. What happened at Pearl Harbor?
    Japanese planes attacked the United States in Hawaii territory through bombing which killed 2300 Americans and destroyed the American battleship.

  3. Describe the Japanese-American internment camps
    Forced relocations and incarceration in concentration camps where people of Japanese decency had to be isolated. Considered one of the most atrocious violations that America has ever done.

  4. Describe Carpet bombing and Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Carpet bombing is a technique developed in order for planes to scatter a large number of bombs over a wide area. An American B-29 atomic bomb dropped over the Japanese city of Hiroshima, three days later another A-bomb on Nagasaki killing around 40.000 people

US roll around the world after WWII
The USA was still recovering from the impacts of the Great depression and unemployment which had a negative, yet significant impact on their economy, consequently placing us in a lower rank in the eyes of the rest of the world

Alsace-LorraineFrench region lost to German states in 1871

militarism glorification of the military

Francis Ferdinandarchduke of Austria-Hungary who was assassinated in 1914

William II the German emperor

Western Frontbattle front between the Allies and Central Powers in western Europe during World War I

casualtykilled, wounded, or missing soldier

contraband supplies captured from an enemy during wartime

U-boat German submarine

LusitaniaBritish passenger ship sunk by a German U-boat during World War I

Zimmermann notea telegram in which the German foreign minister Zimmerman proposed an alliance with Mexico against the United States

On June 28, 1914, Serb nationalists assassinated the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, Archduke, Francis Ferdinand.

The Allied Powers
included Britain, France, Russia,
and Serbia.

The Central Powers
included Germany
and Austria-Hungary.

Name the 2 reasons the US joined WWI

Zimmerman Note & Unrestricted submarine warfare

Name measures taken in 1917 that the US Government takes to best prepare for War

Selective Service Act
War Industries Board
War Bonds
Committee of Public Affairs
Sedition Act

Espionage Act

Define the word appeasement.

Giving in to the demands of an aggressor in order to keep the peace

The nickname given Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt?


What was the Manhattan Project?

Code name for the development of the Atomic Bomb.

Consisted of many Allied scientist, some of them German and Italian refugees, to split the atom and create the world’s first nuclear weapon.

What happens in Nuremberg?

War crimes tribunal for German Officers accused of atrocities.

Japan, Italy, and Germany formed an alliance called?

Axis Powers

Great Britain, France, Soviet Union, and the United States- Allies

Hitler’s military leader and nicked named the “Desert Fox” was- Erwin Rommel

What was the main reason that the German military push stalled in Stalingrad?- General Winter

What was the purpose of the Kellog-Briand Pac

To provide for a more peaceful world, disarmament and limited Navy’s Post WWI

Name the Project leader of the Manhattan Project- Dr. Robert Oppenheimer

What- was the purpose of the Kellog-Briand Pact

Who authorized the use of the atomic bomb?

Who authorized the use of the atomic bomb?Who authorized the use of the atomic bomb?Who authorized the use of the atomic bomb?Who authorized the use of the atomic bomb?v

Who authorized the use of the atomic bomb?

What was Operation Sea Lion ?Hitler (Germany’s) invasion plan that was just Air bombings of Great Britain to force them to surrender.

What were the 3 Government systems influencing Post WWI Europe?

Democracy (G.B. and France)

Fascism (Germany and Italy)

Communism (Soviet Union

What is a Kamikaze?

Pilot who takes off in his fighter plane and never plans on landing. Unloads all ammunition then crashes aircraft into High Value Target

List 3 types of people Hitler targeted for his concentration camps


Polish Citizens or anyone who spoke polish


Anyone with any type of disability



What was the main source of execution in the concentration camps?- Gas Chambers

Leader of the Soviet Union- Joseph Stalin

What was the “New Deal” about?

An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace, security, and cooperation- United Nations

What does Pacifism mean?Opposition to all War. War is never justified.