Specialized Family and Child Care Services (Seafis)

Characteristics and Referral Procedure

Seafis are specialized, interdisciplinary teams within the social services system. They focus on prevention, care, and treatment of family crises and breakdowns, aiming to provide comprehensive intervention for families, regardless of whether children are at risk or in need of protection.

Issues Addressed by Seafis:

  • Family situations with children at risk or in need of protection
  • Situations involving a risk of family breakdown
  • Specific guidance in certain family situations
  • Situations where couples have decided to separate and families with children exhibiting behavioral issues

Requesting Seafi Intervention:

Anyone who believes their family requires specialized intervention can personally request Seafi services. Additionally, professionals working in social services can also request intervention if deemed necessary.

Purpose and Functions of Seafis:

The primary goal of Seafis is to resolve situations of vulnerability or family conflict, preventing child separation and facilitating the return of children to their families. Their functions, distinct yet complementary to those of general social services (SSG), include:

  • Developing and implementing intervention programs
  • Providing support and monitoring for specific family situations (as mentioned above)
  • Supporting and monitoring foster families or families with children in pre-adoptive foster care
  • Offering support to single-parent families

Intervention Techniques:

Seafis employ various intervention techniques, including:

  • Family-oriented approaches: Addressing marital and intergenerational conflicts to prevent risk situations.
  • Mediation: Facilitating conflict resolution through an impartial mediator who guides discussions and agreements.
  • Family therapy: Specialized treatment for the entire family or individual members to normalize relationships.

Referral Process:

Families with social or family problems can be referred to Seafis, which are secondary care specialist services, by either the municipal SSG or local social welfare department, following these procedures:

  1. Referral from SSG: The SSG submits a referral request along with a written proposal for intervention, including pre-referral activities and resources utilized.
  2. Referral from Social Welfare Department: The department submits a referral request along with a written proposal for intervention, potentially seeking additional information from the municipal SSG if necessary.

Seafis in Castellón Province

As of October 18, 2010, Castellón province has 22 Seafis and a Guidance and Mediation Service, all belonging to the Department of Social Welfare network. The latter is a private non-profit organization specializing in secondary care services and interventions aimed at equipping families with conflict resolution skills. The regional administration allocates an annual budget of 678,356 euros for their operation.

“He who is good in the family is also a good citizen.” – Sophocles

“A happy family is but an early heaven.” – Sir John Bowring