Spain’s Democratic Transition: Challenges and Changes (1982-2000)
Democratic Governments: Challenges and Transformations
The Challenges of Coups and Terrorism
. Political, social and economic. Culture and attitudes. From October 1982 to March 2000 (second government popular game). In early 1981, amid a tense situation, a serious political crisis erupted in UCD to discuss Suarez’s leadership within the party, and Suárez resigned as prime minister. Taking advantage of this situation a group of military planned a coup that carried out the February 23, 1981, when the Congress of Deputies voted the inauguration of Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo as the new prime minister. More than 200 civil guards led by Lt. Col. Antonio Tejero seized the Congress of Deputies and seized the government and MPs. At the same time, in Valencia, General Milans del Bosch declared a state of war and militarily occupied the city. For a few hours saw a large uncertainty because many generals doubted what to do. Finally, the king managed to rectify the situation (via a televised speech as head of the armed forces, disavowed the coup) and the coup failed. After the coup were reproduced in UCD internal disputes. The crisis deepened when Fernández Ordóñez, Minister of Justice, urged the Divorce Act, which was supported by some and rejected by others. In a few months UCD definitely fragmented: some joined the PSOE or AP, Suarez was a new party, the Social Democratic Centre (CDS). In this situation, Calvo Sotelo dissolved the Parliament and called elections.
General election of October 28, 1982 accounted for an overwhelming victory for the PSOE, who, with the promise of change was more than ten million votes and a large majority. The second largest party was AP, led by Manuel Fraga. Both UCD and the CDS were a disaster. El PSOE retained its hegemony in successive elections (regional, municipal and general 1986, 1989 and 1993) until 1996. This parliamentary majority allowed him to carry out, especially in the early years, a policy of modernization of Spain, extending the social security scheme and generalizing public health by introducing a new educational system (the LOGSE extended to 16 years teaching mandatory), and carrying out tax reform. Some reforms that challenged the foundations of Franco mentality caused a serious controversy as the partial decriminalization of abortion, the recognition of conscientious objection and substitute service.
On the economic front the fight against inflation and unemployment were key objectives of government and even curb inflation was achieved (from 14% in 1982 to 8% in 1985), the fight against unemployment was a major failure of the socialist government which continued to grow over time and reached the highest levels in Europe, plus a required industrial restructuring that forced the closure of many businesses. The result was growing discontent of the workers that culminated in the day general strike on December 14, 1988 that paralyzed Spain.
Terrorism, which appeared in the last years of Franco became one of the biggest problems of Spanish society. ETA, I do not accept the new political system or the Basque autonomy statute (the independence they wanted what they called Euskalerria, in addition to the three Basque provinces and Navarra understood part of the French Basque country) continued to act by increasingly indiscriminate attacks ( at first only against the military and the various bodies of policy, but then began to attack all sectors of society, such as pump Hipercor).To fight them I think, with support from the state, the GAL (Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups) terrorist group who attacked militants and supporters of ETA, one of the most troubled of the socialist era, which when brought to light ( those responsible were tried and imprisoned) decisively influenced the defeat of socialism. But thanks to an agreement between the governments of Spain and France (1984), the fight against ETA received a boost (France denied political asylum to terrorists of ETA, a country that had been the sanctuary of the band for years). In 1989 the government attempted a negotiation with ETA, which failed (talks in Algiers).
Regarding foreign policy, UCD last government had approved the integration of Spain into NATO, while the Socialists were opposed (under the slogan “NATO entry does not” initiated a very active campaign in the street asking for a referendum). However, when the PSOE came to power, given the evidence that entry into NATO was closely related to the accession of Spain to the European Economic Community, the Socialist government after a referendum (1986) campaign for the stay in NATO (although the government obtained it was by a small margin, and was a great disappointment to many of their voters). On 12 June 1985 signed the Treaty of Accession of Spain to the EEC, which provided for the entry of Spain on January 1, 1986. From 1990 to discredit the government was increasing and the public made a number of very serious scandals involving leaders of the PSOE: irregular financing of the party, illegal enrichment important socialist leaders, some of whom had responsibilities of government (as Luis Roldán , director general of the Guardia Civil), wiretapping of some political personalities in the country and even the dirty war against ETA (the GAL). The political climate was very sour and tense between the PSOE and the PP. Finally, CiU withdrew its support for the PSOE (in 1993 had obtained an absolute majority), and general election in 1996.
The following elections were held on March 3, 1996 and gave a narrow victory for the PP, while new elections in 2000 gave an absolute majority. The years of Aznar’s government was marked by successes and failures. It was an effective economic policy, based on a neo-liberal orientation, aimed at reducing public spending on behalf of the private sector, while it sought to meet the economic criteria of European economic convergence to launch the single currency. The global economic boom, accompanied by this policy which allowed reducing unemployment and pension support.
The problem of terrorism was one of the most complex fields, especially after the crisis in the summer of 1997 when the murder of a PP councilor Eta after an ultimatum was a major social mobilization.
The PNV and Basque nationalist organizations signed in September 1998 Lizarra Agreement to seek a solution to the Basque conflict, following the Irish model. Four days after ETA declared an indefinite truce, which broke after just over a year. The year 2000 brought a new wave of attacks. In this situation PP and PSOE signed an agreement for freedom and against terrorism. But overall fight against terrorism was positive: both in the field of law enforcement, as in politics or the judiciary (HB banning, detention of numerous commands, device attack on their financing and their means of communication, etc.).
Over the last decades of Spanish society has adopted the cultural patterns, values and behaviors occidentales.Se democratic societies has been a change in the behavior of the Spanish population. The economic difficulties of the period 1974-1986, together with the changes in attitudes produced a large decline in the birth and the beginning of a process of aging, A occurred while modifying the concept of familia.Por other hand, Spain has become a country of immigration, which in some cases has caused tensions and conflictos.También has changed the attitude to religion, with increased secularization of society. Although most of the Spanish population is Christian and Catholic confession, religious practice has declined considerably. Another change has been the increasing role of women. Currently, the number of women studying at university exceeds that of males. And many women are in jobs that were traditionally closed to them. But, nevertheless, has not achieved full equality in terms of income levels, working conditions and the occupation of positions of great responsibility. In cultural terms, the death of Franco and the advent of democracy brought with it an atmosphere of freedom of expression as embodied in cultural events. Literature highlights the award of two Nobel laureates: the poet Vicente Aleixandre, and Will Eisner. It has also been boosted a new cultural policy, with the enactment of laws such as the patronage or the Heritage, which has decentralized the management of cultural heritage cediéndolo part of the autonomous communities. Trends have developed a cosmopolitan culture and the apparent generational renewal in art, which has highlighted some international figures in different fields: film, dance, or music.