Spain’s Democratic Sexenio (1868-1874): From Revolution to Republic

The democratic six-year period:

the end of the reign of Elizabeth II, after the revolution of “the Glorious”, begins the democratic
Sexenio whose stages are: Interim Gorbierno Serrano, the First Republic and the reign of Amadeus I. Sexenio arises after the Bourbon Restoration.

The revolution:

the political crisis, economic-financial and social for the moderate government of Narvaez, causes the signing of the Pact of Ostend between progressives, unionists and democrats. It was agreed the dethronement d Elizabeth II and the veto to the Bourbons. On 17 September d 1868 d revolutionizing “Glorious”, began with the revolt of Admiral Topete, Cadiz, supported by Prim and Serrano. They are produced popular uprisings and revolutionary juntas d local organization. In the battle of Alcolea, Serrano defeated the government troops commanded x the Marquis of Novaliches, Isabella II fled to France.

Trying to democratize:

it established a provisional government headed x Serrano highlighted the general
Prim, Topete and Sagasta. The government developed a policy consistent with democratic principles. The courts were composed very differently d together all parties, predominantly Unionist MPs, Democrats, progressives, Elizabethan and Republicans. These cuts were ordered d develop and adopt a new constitution q supersede the Constitution of 1869. Government established the form d d Spain, democratic monarchy, hereditary and parliamentary. Be recognized as a q Declaration of Human Rights guaranteeing personal freedom, inviolability dl home and correspondence, right d assembly and association … The government starts a new king d search, while Serrano, became regent until the appointment dl King . Serrano Prim la busqueda d commissioned a new king, Ruled Bourbon (Duke Montpensier ran d) was tried with Ferdinand of Coburg, d Portugal, but did not accept the throne. The Leopold of Hohenzollern Prussian candidate was vetoed by France, was the house of Savoy, who reached the Spanish throne in the figure of Amadeus of Savoy.

Democratic monarchy d d Amadeo Savoy (1871-1873):

General Prim was assassinated dl The short reign was due to several causes: the opposition had d cn Republican political sectors, alfonsinos d Carlists. There was almost universal hostility d environment to the new king considered an intruder. Q There are also add labor agitation world dl q cn joined forces and organized society through d movements and protests against the government, d x the dismal working conditions. At the political level is experiencing a period d instability. It was under the chairmanship d Manuel Ruiz Zorrilla country if the situation becomes untenable dl (d lifting the marine d El Ferrol, Carlist War, war d Cuba) Acontece the question d gunners, the officer in Vitoria did not accept the general orders Hidalgo dl , held responsible for the execution d d d sergeants barracks dl San Gil. This situation provoked the resignation d Amadeo I to the throne.

First Republic (1873-74):

Democratic republic was proclaimed, naming Figueras as president of the executive. In the government set Pi Maragall, Salmeron and Castelar. In the eleven months of hard Repíblica q 4 presidents succeeded: • Estanislao Figueras: d favor a unitary republic, there is the 3rd Carlist War and the intervention in Cuba. In Andalucia and Levante surgio cantonalism, in direct opposition to central power. • Pi y Maragall: A supporter of the federal state, came to proclaim the Federal Democratic Republic.Their main task was to develop d d the Federal Constitution 1873, “non cream. Along with this Constitution shall make a statement d Rights. This project was not approved. • Nicolás Salmerón: his problem was the movement affected cantonal q Andalusia, Valencia … Salmerón used the army to fight cantonalism, General Pavia underwent several cantons in Andalucia and General Martinez Campos ended the cantonalism Valencia. Its refusal to sign a death penalty d led to the dismissal. • Emilio Castelar: conducted a conservative shift in the Republic. I wanted to restore national unity and social order. Reorganize the army and the military relies on for success on the immediate cantonal and Carlism. He was authoritarian in closing the Courts, a motion d confidence required x the federal Opposition, became lost Castelar x 100 votes for and 120 against. D 3 d January 1874, the courts provide cn amazement the coming general d dl Pavia forces a coup d qmprotagoniza state, dissolving Congress Deputies d ls, when he was proceeding to appoint the chairman 5th d the Republic, Eduardo Palanca. Republic 74 (Jan-Dec) was entrusted with the presidency dl General Serrano government. Q transition stage announcing the Bourbon restoration d d Elizabeth II’s son, Prince Alfonso. They were more generals and politicians supported the party alfonsino q directed x Canovas del Castillo, d sought the peaceful restoration of monarchy. General Martinez Campos precipitated events, starring in the delivery of Sagunto. Alfonso XII was proclaimed king d Spain.