Soil Formation and Degradation

Soil Formation

Soil is a dynamic natural body with its own origin and development, sustaining biomass and determining vegetation. Soil Science defines it as “an organized and independent natural body, with constituents, properties, and genesis resulting from the actions of active factors (climate, organisms, topography, and weather) on parent material (bedrock).”

Parent Material

Soil originates from parent material found on the Earth’s surface. This material can be existing rock, but more often, it comes from deposits transported by rivers, glaciers, wind, or the sea. These processes shape the landscape and influence soil characteristics.

Rock as a Forming Factor

Weathering of rocks provides the base material for soil. The nature of the parent material affects the physical and chemical properties of the soil and its development speed. Key parameters influencing soil formation from rock include:

  • Mineralogical Composition: Rocks with unstable minerals weather quickly, forming soil faster than those with stable minerals like quartz.
  • Permeability: This governs the penetration of air and water, affecting fragmentation, alteration, and translocation of materials.
  • Grain Size: Coarse-grained materials like sand are more stable and porous, while fine-grained clay materials are less stable and more compact.

Parent material influences soil texture and nutrient content.

Climate as a Forming Factor

Climate is the most crucial factor in soil formation. Temperature and humidity influence the rate of physical and chemical weathering processes. Climate also indirectly affects soil by influencing the distribution of plants and animals.

Water availability and temperature regulate soil development processes. The intensity of water percolation determines whether a soil experiences leaching or retains water and nutrients.

Clay content and organic matter increase with precipitation and temperature. Cation exchange capacity, which affects nutrient availability, also increases with rainfall.

Topography as a Forming Factor

Gravity transports materials downhill, leading to erosion in some areas and accumulation in others. Soil drainage is influenced by the relief, affecting texture and permeability. The position of the soil in the landscape also determines the possibility of water supply from the water table.

Organisms as a Forming Factor

Plants and animals provide organic matter to the soil, influencing its structure, porosity, drainage, and microclimate. They also protect the soil from erosion.

Physical Properties

  • Texture: The relative proportion of different particle sizes (sand, silt, and clay) determines soil texture, influencing water holding capacity, drainage, and aeration.
  • Structure: The arrangement of soil particles into aggregates affects water movement, root penetration, and overall soil health.

Other important physical properties include consistency, plasticity, density, porosity, internal drainage, permeability, color, and temperature.

Soil Degradation

Soil degradation is the loss of productive capacity due to physical, chemical, and biological deterioration. It can be caused by natural processes or human activities like unsustainable land management practices.


Erosion is the removal of topsoil by water, wind, or other agents. It is a significant threat to soil health and agricultural productivity. Factors influencing erosion include:

  • Climate: Rainfall intensity and distribution play a crucial role in water erosion.
  • Topography: Slope steepness and length affect the velocity and erosive power of water runoff.
  • Soil Properties: Soil texture, structure, and organic matter content influence its susceptibility to erosion.
  • Vegetation Cover: Plants protect the soil from raindrop impact and reduce runoff velocity.
  • Land Management Practices: Unsustainable practices like deforestation, overgrazing, and improper tillage increase erosion risk.

Soil Conservation

Soil conservation involves using and managing land resources sustainably to maintain or improve their productive capacity. Practices include:

  • Contour Farming: Plowing and planting across slopes to reduce runoff velocity.
  • Terracing: Creating level platforms on slopes to prevent erosion.
  • Cover Cropping: Planting crops to protect the soil surface and improve soil health.
  • Conservation Tillage: Minimizing soil disturbance during planting to reduce erosion and improve soil structure.
  • Agroforestry: Integrating trees and shrubs into agricultural systems to provide shade, windbreaks, and improve soil fertility.

Land Use Capability

Land capability classification systems assess the suitability of land for different uses based on its limitations and potential. This information helps guide land management decisions and promote sustainable land use practices.


Soil is a vital natural resource that supports life on Earth. Understanding the processes of soil formation and degradation is crucial for sustainable land management and ensuring food security for future generations. By implementing appropriate conservation practices, we can protect and enhance the health and productivity of our soils.