Socio-Educational Intervention Models: A Comprehensive Guide

– Model behavior modification: to amend the user’s responses to the factors that influence their environment, without changing it deliberately and changing the prevailing factors in the environment l to behavior change – the treatment is to achieve maintenance or modification of behavior. The objectives of the educator are behavior change, instruct and make programs that modify or maintain the behavior to be treated. We follow the following procedure, the stimuli that generate responses problems are ignored and reinforce the positive. Discriminatory stimuli can be used to reduce the possibility of running responses to problems and increase them. It is based on instrumental conditioned response that occurs in the future. The techniques used in this model are: positive reinforcement, extinction of care, differential reinforcement (a mixture of the above), response training, negative reinforcement .- systemic model: part of the intervention with the family as a system that affects the user, and which is affected by each member, so that everything that happens to each member affects the whole. The focus of attention is focused on the type of relationships that exist between the miembros.-systemic methodology involves contact between family and teacher and this gives us information about it, the information is used for intervention. The techniques used are the interviews as a first phase, which presents the educator and the family, Depue is the problem definition phase, the phase of interaction which evaluates the family relations and the definition of the desired changes . The educator must provide hypotheses response to problems or causes, must end the relationship and must be neutral .- ecological model, based his theory on the relationship established between the individual and environmental systems in which operates. Intervention must address the context of individuals, where he resides genesis of most problems, ultimately the network of relationships in which it operates, modifying and enhancing its constructive possibilities. In short, this is to use community resources as a positive change, promoting socialization, social participation and mutual aid. It is about creating growth and support resources, programming and community support systems to enhance the informal support networks .-
community development model: Marco Marchioni: first to clarify all the elements that the teacher must know, this is the preliminary phase study. This phase continues throughout the course of work. Second is the listening phase, it is seeking new methods of communication that allow a new dialogue between community and professional, once heard is passed to raise the first initiatives launched since the teacher becomes part observer leaving decisions to the community through these decisions will come to a comprehensive community development plan. Finally, the activities extend to areas amplias.A the straightening plant cultivation, to men of education. Jean J. Barthélemy-educate is not to race to live, but temper the soul to the difficulties of life. Pythagoras The mediocre teacher speaks. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward

Modelos socio-educational intervention

The term model as defined by Ander Egg in his “Dictionary of social work” is considered as “a simplified and schematic construction of reality that emerges from a theory, and as such can be tested empirically in practice.-Intervention is the social worker’s activity to bring about change, ie the “to do”, but tb “how to”, so action is guided by knowledge, values ​​and social skills teacher towards goals. From this perspective we are talking about models of socio-educational intervention as an intervention voluntary and organized with a view to modifying the social environment, to improve situations and transform socio-
educational issues .- within these models are: the model of crisis, “this adapted to social work model is based on studies of Linderman and Caplan. Phenomena that can cause accidents or disasters are crisis (situational crisis), retirement or generational crisis (social and cultural background), phenomena that affect the development and stability of individual and environmental phenomena (failure at school, work, mental) .- but There are two other conditions, individual perception you have and the inability to resolve these crises .- intervention therefore relates to the action taken by the professional life of a person or family to alleviate the impact and help mobilize resources to return to equilibrium. Emotional phenomena that accompany the crisis are depression, fear, anger and anxiety. The action of the teacher should aim to reassure, but tb help to talk about their problems .- teacher’s main tasks are therefore designed to: Understanding the person in crisis, identifying symptoms, identification of precipitating factors , identification of resources and discussion on measures to be taken .- support is the most common technique defined by Judith Nelson as “an attempt to help them feel better, stronger or more comfortable, with four classes support, protection, acceptance, validation and education. No user dependency model educator .- .-
psychosocial diagnosis psychoanalytic theory which supports this model, serving the educators for the analysis and understanding of people and their situations. Educators do their work by using personal relationships as well as the interview is the basis of the aid relationship is the means by which they interrelate. In this technique is to use empathy, to take into account the fears, anxieties of users and explore their world, etc .- for this methodology begins with the study or exploration, in which the teacher knows the person, the environment and the problem remains the diagnosis on the social educator performs a process of mediation and interpretation, which helps to identify situations, problems and causal factors in the user or group. Then develops an action plan setting out the objectives and tasks in the short and long term as well as designing strategies to change the situation. Treatment may be social, or psychological techniques are, guidance, understanding, exploration, reflection, etc. Finally, the completion and evaluation, the relationship ends or the solution of the problem or referral to other services.