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1. What Deliverables are typical in design projects?

Answer: Specifications, Sketches, Comps

2. What are typical phases in a design project?

Answer: Planning and analysis + Designing + Building + Testing + Implementing or publishing

3. What is color space?

 Answer: RGB – Red, Green, Blue CMYK –Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black—subtractive system

 What is Rendering Intent?

 Answer: How the colors eventually look

What is a Soft Proof?

Answer: Something like Print Preview. A simulation.

What is a color gamut?

Answer: A range of colors that can be reproduced by a color model or device. Example- RGB and CMYK are color gamuts.

4. What options can lessen readability?

Answer: Overusing Center Alignment, all lower case font. No decorative font styles, No contrast between font and background. Too small of a font.

5. What are features of Sans Serif?

 Answer: Better on the web, Does not have any of those small decorative lines.

6. How may color channels in

CMYK has 4

RGB has 3

Grayscale has 1

7. Which Design Principals can be represented with an overlay when using the crop tool

Answer: Rule of thirds, Golden Spiral, Golden Ratio

8. Which option is presented to the client for feedback before designing the final project:

Answer: Mock up or a Comp

9. What are these copyright terms?

Derivative Work—Based or derived from an existing copyright.

Copy Right—Exclusive protection

Fair Use—Educational use such as in schools

Intellectual – creations of the mind, examples are trademarks, patents and trade secrets.

10. Vectors?

 Answer: Math stuff, never loses quality no matter how often it is resized.

11. Image Terms?

Interpolation—blow it up to make it large using pixel colors Upsampling-Increase the size by using data

Downsampling – Decrease the size by using data Resolution — Measurement of an image on the screen.

12. These can be rasterized: Type, Shape, Smart Object.

13. Why would a designer change the CMYK color space in the dialog box

Answer: To use the same color space that the printer uses

14. Which two options are advantages of Smart Objects

Answer: Apply filters non destructively and creates a reference to an image.

15. Adobe Bridge? Allows images to be used across the other Adobe programs. Allows designers to create a photo gallery.

16. Used for the web? JPG and PNG

17. What is scope creep?

Answer: Uncontrolled expansion of a project.

18. How do you make anything smaller? Layer than Flatten

19. Bitmap or Raster? Pixels, and they do not resize well because they look pixelated.

 20. Smart Objects: Answer: vector objects and non destructive

21. Camera Raw File Answer: unprocessed picture data and saved as DN

22. Layers: move and edit images as discrete objects.

23. View—Show Grids and Rulers To change the measurement, go to edit preferences.

24. Bitmap—just remember, only 256 colors

25. Documents:

Open—displays the image in a new document window.

Place—Places the image in the currently active window.

 Import—Used for video

 Import—Smart object will open into its own layer.

26. Golden Ratio—a mathematical ratio found in nature which is used for proportion.

 27. Photoshop to Illustrator– File tab to export to Illustrator

 28. Change the color mode to either a blog for the web or a PDF for the printer.

 Answer: Click on image then mode then either RGB for web or CMYK for color.

29. A designer presents a mock up or simulation before starting a project.

30. All of the filters in the adjustment panel are Non Destructive.

31. Documents

PSD—Photoshop Document.

JPG—Used for photography and the web

Gif—Large cartoonish colors

PNG—Similar to Jpg except it is transparent and also used to save slices by using PNG-24

TIFF—Raster or bitmap used in scanners.

32. Serif—This is the font that is decorative. Better in Printed work.

Sans Serif—Without decoration and better on the web.

34. Non Destructive cooling filter—Adjustment panel and it looks like a camera. Has all the color and cooling filters in the drop down menu.

35. Auto is either in the Edit menu or the top of the image menu.

Auto blend and auto align are halfway down the Edit menu.

Auto Contrast and Tone are in the Image menu.

Adjustment Panel has Curves and Levels which has non destructive Auto Adjustments.

36. Letter Space Leading—single, double or triple spaced

Kerning—The space between two letters.

Phot o Tracking—Similar to Kerning but the adjustment is throughout the entire word. P h o t o

37. Lasso Tool– Impossible to use it to group stuff in separate layers.

38. Project Manager—Oversee the team, stay on budget and meet deadlines

39. If you have to select something.

Select menu- open and then don’t forget to select invert if is asks and then don’t forget to change the hue in the Adjustment panel

40. Save for web—File export, save for web, change the top drop down menu, size and ratio if it asks.

41. Image size.

Image then Image size and unclick the chain to discard the aspect ratio then change the numbers. Ignore the chain and change the numbers to keep the aspect ratio. Also, this is where up sampling and down sampling is on the bottom. Resolution is also here.

42. To change to Black and White nondestructive—adjustments panel.

43. Framing is Focus and Cropping.

44. Design


Repetition—same or similar elements throughout

Alignment—Nothing is random, All is connected, Lined up.

Proximity—Moving things close or far


45. When aligning objects. Shift select them all, click on the move tool Find what you need in the options bar

46. Covert to smart object. Make sure layer is selected Layers then smart object then convert to smart object.

47. Skew an object Edit menu then transform then skew then the options bar to adjust the numbers.

48. Tools What tool darkens an image?

Answer: Burn tool about halfway down toolbox and looks like a hand.

What took brightens an image?

Answer: Dodge tool, behind Burn Tool and looks like a lollipop.

What tool saturates an image with color?

Answer: The sponge tool behind the Dodge Tool and looks like a Sponge.

What tool blurs an image?

Answer: The Blur tool and it looks like a rain drop.

What tool sharpens an image?

Answer: The sharpen tool and it looks like a triangle.

What tool will smudge an image?

Answer: The smudge tool and it looks like a hand and finger.

49. Layers What does a smart object layer look like?

Answer: Like any other layer and two little boxes inside the icon box.

The layers panel has an opacity and fill box.

The layers panel has the overlay drop down menu.

The layers panel has the create a New Mask icon at the bottom

The layers panel has the Adjustments Icon at the bottom

The layers panel has the Create a New Group and New Layer icon at the bottom.