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Transporysale: A good packaging helps our products arrive intact at the point of sale, if a packagign is strong, resistant and safe, it will help not only that our product doesn´t suffer distress but also to attract the attention of the client. When you see a beautiful packagign your focus is on that product and the others (the competition) ceases to exist, thanks to good packaging consumers remember your brand and your product because it is the first thing they see when they go shopping.

Promote: The most important thing is to choose elements that help the customer to differentiate our brand from another one, for example, that our logo stands out and catches the attention, also that it has some colors in agreement with the brand and a suitable typography. It is also important that our packaging have similar designs, for example if my company sells cosmetics, all the packaging of all the products of my brand should be similar, this helps the customer differentiate our brand from the rest.

Manage: The packaging must be easy to handle, when we buy a product we want to use it and that the packaging isn´t an impediment to be able to get our hands on that product. A good packaging should not have packaging inside packages. Always less is more if something is well done.

Being green: It is important to take care of the environment, normally the packaging usually uses materials such as plastics that are not recyclable, but more and more people are aware of the damage caused to the environment by these materials. If we are able to create sustainable packaging we will not only be creating a better world but our buyers will be able to see that our company cares about the environment.

color sell,intoacounchoosin: Because consumers put the appearance before other factors, that is, if the consumer finds two products of the same category in the supermarket, they will always buy the one that by their appearance calls their attention and generally one of the things that most attracts the attention of a consumer. Packaging is the color. Its important to consider several things when choosing the color for our brand, for example the type of product and to whom its addressed. The most important thing is to draw attention and highlight, the colors should be striking, adequate but above all harmonious, the harmony of color offers visual interest and sense of order, causing that when the consumer sees our product he falls in love and increases his desire to buy.

Emphasis hirea: The most important thing is not to interrupt the lectures, there are many ways to emphasize a word, for example using bold, italic the size of the typography or different types of letters the most important thing is to use only one of these options and not combine them because they may seem heavy and repetitive. There must be a visual hierarchy that indicates to the reader where it is at all times and allows to differentiate each part of the text that is reading. Using these ways of emphasizing the text we create a visual hierarchy.

Transporysale: A good packaging helps our products arrive intact at the point of sale, if a packagign is strong, resistant and safe, it will help not only that our product doesn´t suffer distress but also to attract the attention of the client. When you see a beautiful packagign your focus is on that product and the others (the competition) ceases to exist, thanks to good packaging consumers remember your brand and your product because it is the first thing they see when they go shopping.

Promote: The most important thing is to choose elements that help the customer to differentiate our brand from another one, for example, that our logo stands out and catches the attention, also that it has some colors in agreement with the brand and a suitable typography. It is also important that our packaging have similar designs, for example if my company sells cosmetics, all the packaging of all the products of my brand should be similar, this helps the customer differentiate our brand from the rest.

Manage: The packaging must be easy to handle, when we buy a product we want to use it and that the packaging isn´t an impediment to be able to get our hands on that product. A good packaging should not have packaging inside packages. Always less is more if something is well done.

Being green: It is important to take care of the environment, normally the packaging usually uses materials such as plastics that are not recyclable, but more and more people are aware of the damage caused to the environment by these materials. If we are able to create sustainable packaging we will not only be creating a better world but our buyers will be able to see that our company cares about the environment.

color sell,intoacounchoosin: Because consumers put the appearance before other factors, that is, if the consumer finds two products of the same category in the supermarket, they will always buy the one that by their appearance calls their attention and generally one of the things that most attracts the attention of a consumer. Packaging is the color. Its important to consider several things when choosing the color for our brand, for example the type of product and to whom its addressed. The most important thing is to draw attention and highlight, the colors should be striking, adequate but above all harmonious, the harmony of color offers visual interest and sense of order, causing that when the consumer sees our product he falls in love and increases his desire to buy.

Emphasis hirea: The most important thing is not to interrupt the lectures, there are many ways to emphasize a word, for example using bold, italic the size of the typography or different types of letters the most important thing is to use only one of these options and not combine them because they may seem heavy and repetitive. There must be a visual hierarchy that indicates to the reader where it is at all times and allows to differentiate each part of the text that is reading. Using these ways of emphasizing the text we create a visual hierarchy.

Grasp:captar ; Provide:proveer ; Appeal:atractivo ; Supply:suministrar ; Neglect:descuidar ; Research:investi ; Measure:medida ; Support:apoyar ; Reject:rechaza ; Weight:peso ; Balanced:equilib ; Approach:enfoque ; Enhance:mejorar ; Allow:permitir ; stand out:destacar ; Increase – decrease:aumen-dismi ; Knowledge:cono ; notice:notar ; Nomatter:noimpo ; To achieve:lograobj ; avoid:evitar ; manage:admi ; engage:comprom ; Widely:extensa ; topoint out:señala ; develop:desarrolla ; Hierarchy ; Available ; Purchase:compra ; display:mostrar ; Fee:cuota ; realize:darsecuenta ; regarding:respectoa ; tohighlight; Such us:talcomo ; Trade:interc ; According to ; Suitable:adecu ; Narrow:estrecho ; wide:ancho