
1. Customers

Customer is the intended target of a business and all the efforts of a company are geared towards fulfilling the customer’s need for a product. Customer’s need:

  • The decision-maker: This person will have the final say on the purchase of the product or service.

  • The inquirer: This person is in charge of the steps that are previous to the purchase, such as looking for the product, comparing prices and finding special offers.

  • The expert : This person advises on what product/service to buy.

  • The user: This person will receive the product or service.

1.1 Types of Clients according to Personality, Relationship with the Company and Profitability

People who come into contact with clients need to modify their behavior in accordance with the client.

  • Personality: Good natured, Speculative, Determined, Arrogant, hesitant, Contentious

  • Relationship with the Company: Loyal, Loyal budget, Low budget, Practical, Wandering

  • Profitability: Very profitable clients are those who not only have great purchasing power but are also loyal to your product or service. 

1.2 How to Deal with Clients Taking into Account Personality and Profitability

When in front of a client, you need to put your social skills and strategies into practice. 

2. The Relationship between the Company and the Client can be seen from 3 perspectives:

2.1 Customer Care / Customer Service: is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction. 

Customer Care Solutions:

  • Advice: Guide purchase the product that best suits his/her needs.

  • Upkeep: Company offers the services or the correct maintenance of a product.

  • Risk minimisation:The company offers the client the return and refund of a product. 

  • Product access: Company ensures that clients can access the product easily.

  • Easy payment: The company has credit lines that favour payments in installments.

  • Customer Support: The company identifies customer’s needs and satisfaction.

2.2 Customer Support: is more personal. Customer care makes sure the company offers satisfactory maintenance of a product.

Guidelines for a good quality customer support:

  • Quality: The company needs to ensure that the quality of communication with the client is first-rate. 

  • Accessibility: Communication with the client should be available through different channels.

  • Professionalism: Staff responsible for communicating with the client need to have had specific training and their operations need to have predefined objectives.

  • Diligence: The client needs to perceive the service as being quick.

  • Courtesy: The client needs to be treated in a polite and respectful manner.

  • Environment: Client support should be friendly, to make the client feel at ease.

2.3 Customer loyalty or allegiance: is a duty of fidelity that a client feels towards the provider of a service or the supplier of a product in such a way that both parties establish a long-term relationship. How to Promote Customer Loyalty: Create a graphic representation of the tasks and functions that a company needs to implement in order to obtain and to increase customer allegiance. The Three Factors that Promote Customer Loyalty:

  • Client Satisfaction. Clients feel that their relationship goes both ways and feel a bond with the provider or supplier.

  • Exit barriers. Exit barriers are obstacles that restrict a firm from leaving the market.

  • Competitors. A company needs to adjust its loyalty programs.

  • Advantages: The truth is that the relationship is beneficial for both. 

3. Functions and Organisation of Customer Support: Customer support starts when the client or customer shows his/her intention to purchase a product or service. 

3.1 Functions of Customer Support SYNONYMS

Staff: personal in charge, Modus operandi: method, To put together: Connect, Survey: view, Duty: loyalty, Primarily: first, Tactic: strategy, Obtaining: use, Diverse: varied, To arrive at: aims to, Explanation: information, To make better: to improve, Anomaly: oddity, Origin: source.

Functions of customers support:

  • Management of claims and complaints.

  • Acquisition and management of customer information

  • Services for the clients: Clarification of questions about the correct use of a product.

  • Preparation of studies: Detect malfunctions in order to improve the service and identify competitor’s strategies.

  • After- sales support: technical support, order tracking, upkeep of products.


  • A person who serves customers in a shop is a (noun): shop assistant 

  • Regular tendency or practice is the same as a (noun): habit

  • A strong belief that something will happen is an (noun): establishment of plans

  • Information and assistance to help clients solve technical problems with computers or similar products is called (noun): help desk 

  • The governing committee of a company is called the (noun): board of directors 

4. Communication with the Client

Message, code, sender, receiver, channel, context and feedback.

5. Communication Tools

  • Impersonal Advertising: The message is not directed to a specific client.

  • Personal Direct marketing: The intended receiver of the message is a specific client. It is an interactive process as the business hopes to get feedback from the client, the aim is an increase of sales and of customer allegiance.

Customer: is a person who buys a product but he’s not a habitual client. 

Client: a person who usually buys a product.

Consumer: person who doesn’t pay for a product lout he uses a product.