Scrape 1
1. Soil as a natural body is defined as a specialist in a specialist __________en ________ refers to as regolith soil __________.
a) biologist Esp ……… soils
b) En soil geologist ………..
c) Spec irrigation …. geomorphologist
d) ………… geographer esp. soils.
2. The soil is ____________ when you have a composition of 45% water, 45% minerals, 5% organic.
a) very wet b) very dry c) very organic d) ideal.
3.La most appropriate definition for an agricultural soil is ____________.
a) store nutrients b) a mixture of soil and organic matter
c) the place on which we tread d) a system of three phases
4. The interface between the atmosphere and hydrosphere lithosphere biosphere is called ______.
a) horizofera b) geosphere c) pedosphere d) climosfera
5. In an ideal soil, the soil component that may remain in the same percentage during the growth period of a crop is the ___________
a) mineral b) Organic c) Water d) air
* 6. The weathering of rocks provides the _______ floor while the decomposition of leaves, stems and wood provide the ground ______________del
a) structure for plant and water plant nutrients ……
b) parent material ….. solid fraction.
c) under the soil regolith black color ……
d) sand, silt and clay ……. food for microorganisms
7. basic materials ____________ rocks are basic materials mineral son___________
a) mineral chemical elements ……
b) igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic ……. quartz, granite and basalt c) crystals ……… rocks.
d) all the same ……….. vary depending on the environment in which they were formed
8. Igneous rocks are formed to ask for ____.
a) other rocks were subjected to high temperatures and pressures
b) primary rocks from which the other rocks are formed
c) dark and colored rocks
d) always located near areas of volcanic activity
9. A residual soil is different from a non-waste because the soil parent material waste ________
a) never been moved by a geological process that formed after
b) can be found only in areas that have not been eroded.
c) is easily weathered d) has the same proportion of sand, silt and clay
10. Silt particles have a particle size between ____ and ____ mm.
a) from 05 to 100 b) .002 to .0500 c) .05 to 2.00 d) 0 to 002
11. The silt is formed by ___?.
a) the chemical intemperimo
b) the action of organisms decompose organic matter.
c) the runoff that reduces the size of the particles.
d) the action of rain on particles the size of gravel and sand
12. The reason that the hydrometer is used to determine the percentage of sand silt and clay is porque_____
a) the density of water is greater when the sand and the silt and clay is suspended
b) larger particles have lower densities
c) silt and clay produced higher viscosity and prevent the sinking into the soil solution / water.
d) the particles create a vacuum after the hydrometer settles and fills the gaps
13) Which of the following textural classes is thicker ____
a) sandy loam b) free c) sandy frank d) sandy clay loam
14) What is the textural class of a soil with 25% clay, 25% silt and 50% sand?
a) free b) sandy clay loam c) sandy frank d) clay loam
15. Which of the following textural classes is a misnomer
a) free clay loam b) silt loam c) d sandy loam) and sandy clay) sandy loam
16. A silty clay soil has a minimum _______% clay and sandy clay has a maximum of ____%
a) 40 …. 55, b) 45 …… 55; c) 20 ….. 40, d) 35 …. 40
16. A silty clay soil has a minimum _______% clay and sandy clay has a maximum of ____%
a) 40 …. 55, b) 45 …… 55; c) 20 ….. 40, d) 35 …. 40
17. Textural class that would be described as “moderately sticky, smooth, soapy, and forms a medium sized bar that feels soapy”
a) silt b) silty clay c) silty clay frank d) silt loam
18. Select the response that defines the textural classes of less to more clay
a) Franco-sandy clay loam – silty clay frank
b) sandy clay loam – clay loam – sandy loam, silty loam
c) sandy loam – ex – ex-silty clay d) sandy loam – franco – sand
19. Soil structure in the photo es____ ?____
a) rise gular b) prismatic
c) Exhibit D) granular
20. The soil texture is clayey probably ______?_.
a) rise gular block b) single grain c) mass d) columnar
21. The subsurface horizons are _____?_____ as the main binder of peds in the surface horizons of the primary cementing is __?__. peds
a) tires …… microbial iron oxides and clays
b) iron oxides hydrogen bonds ……..
c) staggering of worms ……. silt coatings
d) clay and iron oxides microbial gums …….
22. In the name of color 7.5 YR 7 / 2 Dark Reddish Brown 7.5 notation indicates YR___________ 7 – _____________ 2 ___________
a) Value hue … … … …. Chroma b) Hue Chroma … … … … … …. value
c) Hue … … … .. Value … … …. Chroma d) value .. Chroma hue …..
23. When is a layer of rock on the side, the horizon is called
a) R b) RC c) Cr d) CR
Bulk density
24. The bulk density (DA) of a soil is different from the density of the particles (DP) for _____________
a) DA particle has different weight than the DP particles.
b) DA is based on the volume of soil and DP in the volume of particles
c) DA is based on the DP pore volume in the volume of particles
25. The weight of a graduated cylinder is 34 grams, the cylinder is filled with 60 ml of soil drying on the stove. The weight of the soil and the cylinder is 10 (DA gramos. The soil is _____g / cc
a) 0.45 b) 1.15 c) 1.23 d) 1.41
26. The result of the determination of bulk density is 0.3 g / cc (or mg / m 3). This means that the soil ______
a) is dried in an oven b) has been cultivated
c) was developed from volcanic rock basalt. d) is an organic soil
27. The passage of machinery compacts the soil and soil ___ ___ and therefore – __ ____.
a) increases the density ….. increase water storage capacity.
b) bulk density decreases … .. and increases water infiltration
c) increases the bulk density ……. . porosity increases.
d) level the surface ….. facilitates the construction of homes on the ground